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These shorts are so short my clit sticks out.  I wouldn't have it any other way! I did strikeout last night.  I did have one prospect, but he wanted to do weird shit.  Not like crazy monkey butt sex or anything.  He wanted to go to a home decoration show.  Nope.  I'm not going to do it.  I'm too old to have to endure something like that all night long in hopes of getting fucked at the end of the night.  My house is simple, neat, clean, easy to take care of.  Why?  So I don't have to take care of it 24/7.  I have other things to do besides worry about what my walls look like.  They look just fine.  They would look better with me pinned against one of them while your dick rearranges my guts. I am just saying.

I didn't masturbate last night.  I started to but then got a phone call.  It was one of those tragic phone calls.  Not for me but someone else.  I haven't a clue who the person was, nor am I convinced the caller was all that familiar with said person who endured the tragic event.  People do love drama. It passes the time.  I know I sound terrible, but I hate being a fake.  So after saying how awful life was and blah blah blah, I went back to rubbing one out.  But now I'm thinking about a severely overweight guy who smokes, has COPD, is diabetic, and now COVID will be the death of him.  Fuck me. I'm never going to get this one done.  The struggle is real.

So, I went on to chat with guys online.  I am gun shy about guys online.  Many guys talk a big game online, but when the dick cums out, and the action begins, they start fucking like a fish out of water.  It could be I'm picking the youthful and pretty people, but they are like shiny new cars. You can't help but to want to ride them.  Sadly, I find out the ride is without shocks, springs, and on a massively potholed road.  I end up with a headache, my back hurts, and in a shitty mood from a crappy fuck.  They should have injury lawyers on TV for this.  "Were you the victim of a shitty fuck?  Did you suffer physical and emotional damage from a poorly executed breeding session?  If so, you may be entitled to substantial compensation!"

I have said it before. I blame porn for the 20 somethings track record of not knowing how to fuck.  When I was that age, and even in my school days, I taught the guys how to fuck.  I told them what I liked, what I wanted.  I would assume other girls did the same.  In return for a proper breeding, I did magical things to their penis that they could only dream of.  Nowadays, they would rather watch porn, and for some reason, they believe we want to be put in MMA death locks and spit on.  We don't.  I'm sure there are at least 17 girls somewhere that do, but most of us, no, we don't.  We want to be bred.  I am not talking like a fragile flower, but I am also not talking about being pounded across the floor.  To fuck me into a stupid babbling cum whore forever belonging to your cock, all you have to do is fuck me properly.  The last guy that went MMA on me got his nuts put in the testicle death grip.  After he got his senses back and quit crying, he wanted to know what my problem was.  I said I thought we were playing cage fighters because it sure seemed that way when you were trying to cut off my windpipe.  Chicks like that was his response.  I said chicks like twisting testicles as well, so what's the problem?  He got the point.  My point is it's hard to cum when you are worried about breathing, and if I'm fucking you, it's because I want you to make me cum just like I'm going to make you cum.  Anyway, he said he didn't feel like having sex anymore after I squeezed his nuts super hard.  I told him to quit being a pussy and fuck me.  I don't hold grudges, and a good lesson in life is never to waste an erect penis.  He did end up sticking it back inside of me, and though we haven't seen each other since, I feel like he learned something that day.  It would be alright if he asked before he just decided to get super chokey on me.  I would have said no, but at least I would have had a choice in the matter.  My point is they are getting this from porn.  Don't use porn as an instructional video.  You won't be a return customer very often if you do.



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