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I done gone and fucked up today. I am fresh out of cock, and there's definitely no pussy in sight for me. I got busy yesterday and didn't answer people back, and they went made plans without me. The bastards. The nerve of those people not waiting to the last second for me to make up my mind what I'm going to do. I have this funny feeling that one of them will cancel his other plans because he's going to want the cum sucked out of his balls before the night is over. And I have just the lungs to remove that sperm from those testicles. I will keep you posted, and hopefully, tonight will not be a silicone man cock and vibrator, although that is a distinct possibility.

No, the tattoo is not real. However, it is going to be authentic as of next Friday. That is not the tattoo that I'm going to have. Mine is going to be way better and not something you see every day. So after Friday, you should start seeing pictures of me with a new tattoo. I know some of you don't like them, and I know some of you that do. I'm not doing this for anyone else, but me, as selfish as that sounds, and I'm at the age and stature in life where I can pretty much do whatever the fuck I want. I know everybody longs to be younger and all that happy crap but honestly, even with all the crap going on in the world, what a glorious time to be alive. Anyway, that's enough of the happy sappy me fucktard bullshit. Long story short, I'm getting a tattoo. We'll talk about it next Friday.

I don't know why guys can't just keep their hands to themselves when I have their penis in my hand or mouth.  I just want to enjoy it without you fucking up my hair or trying to stab me with fingernails that have been forgot to be trimmed, so now they are literally razors.  Sometimes all a girl wants to do is spend time with your dick without distractions.  I'm serious here.  You guys need to learn to think of your dick as a separate entity from yourself.  They should be allowed to enjoy a handjob or blowjob without interruptions.  I assure you, in the end, you will both be happy.  When is the perfect time to finger me?  When we are making out, and you have slipped your fingers into my pants without being stopped.  Of course, if we are making out, the odds of me blocking you from fingering me is slim to none.  Anyway, that is the perfect time.  I am just saying.  When I have your cock in my mouth and your balls in my hand, trying to reach down and around in all kinds of weird positions so you can finger me is killing the enjoyment of your dick in my throat.  Wait till I stand up or lay down.  Preferably, stand up. It is optically way hotter.

I almost have my website fixed, but I'm having a password protection issue that will allow me to give you all access to my site without having to worry about passwords expiring or anything goofy like that. Just bear with me. I will get it, and when I do, your dick will be super happy.



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