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Guess who got super gay yesterday?  That's right!  It was me!  Yay for me!  I'm gay again!  I love being gay. I really do.  It rocks.  She took these pics, so enjoy them!  I didn't think it would happen, but right before she was leaving, she grabbed me, kissed me, and minutes later, we were making out and fingering each other in front of my storm door, which is glass, and people were walking by.  Awesome!  Yes, we made our way to the bedroom, yes we made out some more, yes we licked each other's vaginas until they were slick and juicy.  I made her squirt.  It was with a vibrator and my finger, but still, I made her squirt!  Did I cum?  Duh.  I came when she was fingering me in the doorway.  Then I came when she was fingering me on the bed.  Then I had the big one when she stuck her finger in my ass and was licking my clit. She is only 25, so I don't expect her to hang around too long.  At that age, the attention is easily lost.  It is just my turn.  I am sure in the not too distant future, it will be someone else's turn.  Still, I will enjoy her while I have her!  We got a beach date Friday, so super looking forward to that.  She wanted to get together tomorrow but I couldn't!  Nor Thursday!  Such bad timing.  That is life. Take it as it rolls. 

It's a good thing I found pussy because I am out of dick.  Except for my boyfriend, but he doesn't count. Nobody with one is willing to let me use it for my own personal pleasure.  They have strings attached.  I hate strings.  I mean, I hate strings.  I just want some sperm.  Is that too much to ask for?  One would think not.  I am super excited about having a new girlfriend, but I still have this annoying itch that only cock will scratch.  So get brave, guys.  Stick that hard dick out and watch how fast it will get sucked back down to size.  I swear on it. I know so many women who are cock frustrated right now that it is almost worse than the pandemic.  One told me the other day she is convinced that more guys prefer cock over pussy than vice versa.  I mean, I get it.  Cocks are king for me.  I can't think of anything I would rather have in my hand at any given moment.  I am just not convinced that many guys feel the same.  I don't know.  If I were a dude I don't know that I would be bi.  But I'm not a dude, so I don't know what runs through that sperm-clouded brain of yours.  I am still pretty convinced that pussy is pulling number one as far as preference goes.  If I suddenly grew a dick, my first thought would not be to put it in some guy's ass.  It would be to put it in a wet, sloppy pussy.  Then get a blowjob from an amazing-looking chick, in that order.  Oh, to know what that feels like, what I would give!

I just want to say this because I get asked a lot about other girls I know and whether or not they should subscribe to them.  I recommend no one.  You will never hear me say subscribe to this person or that person.  I link people because that is the rule.  Otherwise, I would tell you their name and nothing else.  Why?  Because I thoroughly enjoy doing this, and I refuse to get involved with factors outside of my control.  There goes the fun if I do.  I think porn is a wonderful thing if it is above board and the participants enjoy participating.  Sadly, 99% of the time, that isn't how it works, and I can't control that.  I can control my own stuff—which is real, made by me, for you, because I wanted you to see it...and you better be fucking looking at it, dammit!  I don't want to dupe you into paying for every damn post I make.  That's insane, and I certainly wouldn't pay for that, and I don't expect you to either.  I got to tell you, though, I've done it myself.  I paid for about 10 message unlocks before I hit buyers remorse.  Shit happens.  I got all hot and bothered and made some poor fiscal decisions.  I've done that at strip clubs as well.  Wait, I feel pretty good about blowing the paycheck at strip clubs.  It's no secret why they are there, and they do hang all over me.  I get tits and ass in my face all night, so honestly, $500 for a night at the strip club never really feels that bad.  Don't tell anyone this, but one time, in Colorado Springs, I blew 2K.  I don't even know how.  I did eat pussy all night long, though, and it was such fine pussy it was worth every penny.



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