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Before fuck and after fuck pics. Did you ever cum so hard you hurt yourself?  Maybe it's old age, or perhaps I am getting off so hard I can't help it.  A combination of both is my guess.  I just thought I would throw that out there.

This one is a book, so I warn you now, quit reading, or you might get bored to death. 

The pics.  They are old. Like 6 months old.  I fucked a guy. He took pics on his phone, then never sent me the copies.  He pulled that ghost thing and disappeared. A couple of days ago, out of the blue, he texted me he was back in Daytona and wanted to get together.  I said I never got my pics, and he sent them to me.  I got them, then blocked his number, and now I am the one who is Casper, the nonresponsive ghost.  There aren't that many, not an edit or a filter on them.  Ever wonder why my phone pics are so clear and focused?  No filters.  Fucking hate those things.  It is to the point we don't even know what a natural person looks like anymore.

Christ.  I have to get tested for COVID.  Everyone has it. I have been around everyone who apparently has it.  They are all terrified they have been given a death sentence.  Fuck, the news has screwed with their heads.  I hate the media for this.  They have caused widespread panic.  The hospitals are full because they have basically convinced the public it's a 50/50 chance of survival. Look, the vast majority of people never even see a doctor, much less a hospital.  You will be fine.  The best thing you can do is turn the TV off.  When you start ble-eding out of your eyes, take some cough syrup. That shit will fix anything. I have to do it because I am going to be around my family this weekend.  

Politics, the pandemic, and world events.  It seems people think I am oblivious to them.  Yes, I am very aware of them both.  Yes, I have very opinionated views on both of them.  I choose to share them with very few people.  I don't have to share them with anyone if I want.  In case you forgot or do not happen to live in the United States of America, as far as I still know, it's my right as to whether or not I choose to keep my mouth shut.  I don't share my opinions with anyone who agrees with my views.  When you do that, everyone jumps on the bandwagon and ends up forming a political posse.  When you share your political opinions with someone on the opposite side and let them present their point of view, everyone is the better for it.  So, now you know.  Am I Dem or Repub?  Probably a Libertarian, which I still have to explain to people is anything but a liberal.  I know, an odd choice for a chick of porn, but it works for me.  I am a bit confused as to why so many people demand that I pick a side.  No.  Neither side fits.  So, I will remain a wandering political oddity.

Sexting.  I did that yesterday with the guy I freaked out when I told him to put a baby in me.  It was fun.  I think he got mad.  He told me to stop doing it.  He was with people.  That just made me want to do it more.  He said he was serious, and he wanted me to stop.  I said if you were serious, you wouldn't look at the messages.  He said he couldn't help it.  So I sent him a pic of me fingering myself.  He wrote back, "I hate you."  I think he's serious.  But I don't think he hates my pussy.  That's alright.  I don't need him to like me.  I need him to rail me with his dick now and then.  I don't even need to cum. I need to feel that gallon of sperm inside of me because I am more than happy to take care of myself after he leaves if need be.  I am obsessed with the gifted testicles this man has.  The rest, not so much.

I know it's good to be loved.  Sure, I want to be loved.  But only by one person, and he knows who he is, I would zip back to him in a second if he would have me.  The problem is, I also want to be alone, just not by myself...if that makes any sense at all.  I mean, I want you there, kind of sort of.  I may have some sort of short in my head, but unless it's that one person, I can only be around people for so long before I start staring at them and wondering why they have to breathe so loud.  I can spend time with people as long as we are doing something.  It doesn't have to be sex.  Just hanging out at the beach, swamp, doing vehicle things, bars, clubs, get-togethers.  That's all good.  One on one in the house.  I refer to the above "is it essential for you to breathe?"  I know it's me.  But I can't help it, so I don't fight it.  The secret to my happiness.  Here is the kicker, though.  I do require that physical and even emotional attachment that only other people can satisfy.  I just have a time limit on how much I can actually deal with it.  What does all this actually mean?  Where am I going with this?  Oh, I know. I was trying to say that guys need to understand it's okay if a chick is simply into your dick and not you.  Think of your dick and not your emotions.  Your dick will thank you for it.



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