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Post 1 of 2.  This is what I wore when I went out in the Jeep on Saturday and got myself stuffed full of cock in front of a sizeable crowd!  I am a terrible girlfriend but a top-notch slut and I would much rather be a top-notch slut than a good girlfriend.  Just saying!

Hello everyone, went dark for the first time in forever yesterday, sorry about that but I had a weekend.  Good, mostly, some goofy stuff but kept it at the minimum.  So lets recap.  I fucked a couple who had a bunch of swinger rules, or at least I thought I was going to fuck him, but again, the swinger rules got in the way.  I Jerked and blew three 20 something’s in front of a crowd of people.  I got fucked Saturday night in front of a crowd of people.  And I spent yesterday getting fucked again, this time in front of my boyfriend.  There were some smaller events.  Much like Mardi Gras they have beads you get for showing your tits.  I had tons of them because I flash any chance I can get.  You get blue for tits and pink for pussy.  I had more pussy beads than I did tits.  Am I too old for this crap?  Probably.  Do I care?  Absolutely not.  I will proudly assert that I am having the time of my life getting topped off with sperm from dudes in many cases less than half my age.  I don’t care that my neighbors see me driving off in my jeep by myself in a sling back bikini.  I don’t care that they see me coming hope the next morning.  I got home late Sunday morning and my one neighbor wanted to talk to me about joining their group to make sure the area stays nice.  He noticed something on my neck and pointed it out saying, “you got a little something there.” I said I spilled my coffee when I was driving.  When I went in and looked, it was the amazingly perfect cum trail that got there last night and I never cleaned it off.  Fucking fantastic!  I bet he wishes it was his.  Anyway, away from the sperm snail trail, I get those a lot so nothing new.  Why am I telling you this?  Because a “gravity challenged” (you can’t say “fat” anymore, it is apparently against the new woke law and order and the screaming things will hunt you down and protest in your front yard) younger person who definitely should not be wearing a G-string asked me if I thought I “might be a little to old” to be scarfing down 20 yr old dick.  Oh fuck, I’m chuckling as I think about it now.  The retorts I should have said but didn’t.  I let the hard dicks do my talking for me though.  Look, as long as I can raise a penis I plan on knocking it back down.  It’s just that simple.  Sure, some folks may think I should have hung it up long ago, but how could I and more importantly, why would I?  I got off Saturday night so hard I’m still weak in the knees just thinking about it.  If you think I’m going to give up my pursuit of that type of earth shattering, vagina gushing, cum
. well then your stupid.  Just saying.  If I were her, I would be upset about me as well because I was taking her available cock away from her.  I gave it back when I was done so I was polite about it.

Anyway, this weekend.  It’s a lot to get into.  I am still wrapping my own mind around it so I’m not ready to discuss it just quite yet.  I will today and I will more than likely choose each event and just go over that.  But first, you kind of need to know what “Truck Weekend” is.  They bill it as the largest event of its type in the world.  35K jacked up trucks all descend on Daytona Beach starting Friday, ending Monday.  To say it is a traffic nightmare is not remotely doing it justice.  I will post some pics of what it looks like from the air.  There may never be another one because of the douche canoe attitude brought by so many of today’s entitled youth.  I would say the average age is 25 maybe 28.  To bad, I am a huge fan of jacked up vehicles but hate how many people feel like they get a magical pass for acting like a complete asshole if they lift their truck.  Had a lot of that this year.  Anyway, 35K lifted trucks and each one brought its passengers so they guessed 75K people showed up.  They came with smoking hot chicks, of which many were like me, willing to show tits, ass, and pussy for the fun of it.  Sure, I take it a step further and use my tits, ass, and pussy to destroy as many cocks as possible, but to me, that’s my idea of a good time.  I wonder if these guys are going to go home, holding their ruined dicks in their hand wondering what the hell happened to them and when can they do it again?  I wonder if they ever thought a 50 something woman could do the things I did to their dick was even possible.  I know I made one guy cry.  I am not kidding.  He broke down and started crying.  I will get to that later today or tomorrow.  I haven’t figured out where to start yet.  Back to it.  Daytona Beach, on beachside, was wall to wall 20 something cock as well as pussy.  Way more chicks this year than ever before.  Chicks are starting to get into the lifted truck scene, and that is badass.  I used to be all alone in this.  So this year was a smorgasbord of sex for me.  My vagina is amazingly tired but in the best of ways.  It needs a day or two off to recuperate.   I have a doctor's appointment today and it’s with the pussy doc.  Routine stuff, nothing out of sorts, but I wonder if she is going to be like “wow, that is one complete and thoroughly used vagina you got going on there, it looks like a cave.”  The last guy I fucked had a coke can dick.  Almost as fat as it was long.  Again, I’ll get to him.  Update you in a bit.



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