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Good morning everyone. This is a long one so buckle in or abandon ship now.  I had a late night last night so just bear with me and we will power through this. As some of you may know, I met a couple Wednesday night in the parking lot of a grocery store. Publix, to be exact. They are in town from Georgia for truck week and they have a Ford F2 50 very similar to mine. I actually approached them because I thought their truck looked bad ass. I was curious how high they lifted their truck and what size tires they were using. Not only was their truck bad ass, so were they. I mean, I admit it, she is absolutely stunning. Super tight, nice and thin, not much for boobs but what is there is simply perfect. Anyway, I got the information that I originally asked for and then they offered up their phone number. They said they had little planned and if I felt like hanging out with them, to call them. Look, if you give me your phone number I automatically assume you’re giving my vagina your phone number. I mean, I really do. If I don’t know you and we exchange numbers, then the expectation for me is that you are going to do your best to leave me knocked up. Same thing goes for this couple. Was I wrong? In some ways yes and in some ways no. We met at the Charlie horse and we chatted and then we took a ride in their truck. We all sat in the front seat and I sat in the middle. I made some flirty comments about me being the meat in a delicious sandwich. And that got things moving along. However, what they had in mind and what I had in mind were two different things. What they wanted to do was let him watch his wife while his wife and I tasted each other. Truth be told, I was disappointed. I certainly wanted to taste her, but I also wanted to taste him after his cock and been in her.  I am ahead of myself because I didn’t find this out till she was already blowing girl cum in my mouth.  Anyway, we got things started with me pulling her shorts down just far enough so I could finger. He turned out to be a very shitty driver while trying to watch me do the tap dance on her clit with my fingers. On a side note, people often asked me why I don’t have long fingernails. It is for this very reason. In all these porn videos that you see with girls with giant fingernails finger fucking each other in reality is the same thing as Freddy Kruger finger fucking you.  I don’t care what anybody says, anything else is simply a lie to further a porn illusion. Long manicured fingernails are simply the worst possible thing you can shove up inside your box. Man, did I get off base with that. Anyway, back to it. For the second time in a short amount of time, I took someone home to my house. We went inside, had a bit of small talk, and then straight to my bedroom. I laid her out on my bed and feasted on her pussy. To say she made a mess of my mattress is an understatement. Well I have a topper so it really wasn’t that bad, I just had to throw it in the wash. This chick was definitely a sloppy cummer.  He whipped his cock out and stood over the corner and jerked it while I ate her. It was a nice dick.  Groomed, 5 or 6 inches, stood straight up so much so it was touching his belly.  It looked mouth watering delicious.  I reached over to grab his prick, but she said no. I enjoy being polite, so I bit my tongue and resisted the urge to just pop his dick in my mouth, regardless of her objections.  She said he didn’t let her fuck other guys, and she didn’t want him fucking other girls.  I asked if I could at at least lick her clit while he fucked her.  She said no.  I explained that there really wasn’t a reason to continue.  I was in it to win it, not to tiptoe around available penis.   It really didn’t matter anyway, because of the way she told me not to. This is hard to explain because she wasn’t rude or even trying to be catty, but it just had this desperate feeling to it.  Like she didn’t really want to be doing this, and she seemed very uncomfortable that she came in front of her husband. She even apologized to him for it.  Now I don’t like her but like him even l less.  For some reason they felt the need to explain the “swinger rules” to me.  I fucking hate, and I mean absolutely despise “swinger rules,” therefor making me totally uninterested in them because of their moronic “swinger rules.”  The whole vibe in the room changed, and the thrill was long gone.  I couldn’t get rid of them fast enough.  So, I abruptly said, “So anyway, gotta get the dogs out, so thanks for stopping by.”  They wanted to give me a ride to my truck but I really just wanted them gone so I declined, said I would walk the dogs to it and drive it home.  They insisted, and I insisted it was time for them to go.  They got the hint the second time around. This is a common problem with swingers, these silly rules. One should not be a swinger if you demand that your partner obey your guidelines for fucking. There are no guidelines to fucking. When I fuck, shit just happens.  I will do all kinds of weird shit when there’s a dick inside of me.  I certainly don’t want to worry about whether I’m breaking my partner’s guidelines while I’m sucking cock or getting my ass fucked.  There are 1,000,001 things that swingers do with her silly rules and guidelines to actually fuck up a perfectly good fuck. Which is why I avoid swingers, mostly couples, because they make fucking tedious. The only thing I want to worry about while fucking is whether my rectum can hold a gallon of sperm before it blows jizz everywhere. If I had a significant other and we decided that we were going to be swingers then by all that is good and right in this world, we are going to fuck without rules. None of this “everyone has to be in the same room crap,” “no kissing,” or whatever other silly guidelines they might come up with. We are going to fuck, how ever the fuck we want to fuck. If I want to shove my tongue down his throat and tell him I love him with all my heart and that makes me cum, then that is exactly what I’m going to fucking do. I fully expect my partnered to do the exact same thing. I promise you that at the end of the night that even though my pussy will be full of sperm fresh from another mans testicles, and his dick covered in another girls pussy juices, we will ride home together closer to each other than we have ever been before. Stupid swinger rules are for the insecure and relationships that should never be tested in the first place because at least one party doesn’t trust the other enough to be sure of his or her place in the relationship. It is as simple as that. They will argue that isn’t true, but it’s black-and-white. If any one act of sex that your partner would willingly and want to do with another person bothers you, then you are jealous and there is zero room for jealousy so swinging isn’t for you. If you swear swinging is for you and you forbid your partner to do that act then you shouldn’t be swinging because you truly don’t love or trust her or him. Now I’m just bitching because I didn’t get my cock fill, nor did I get off, nor did I masturbate afterwards because the mood went south. Plus, now I have to go get my damn truck.  So forgive all the above as they just put my vagina into a foul mood. I will find somebody today to brighten my vagina’s world and all will be correct in the universe. On a side note, I literally have the chick’s version of blue balls. Very annoying.  With that said I feel sorry for whatever penis gets within 3 feet of my box. That dick will get utterly destroyed but in the best of ways.



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