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Saturday it is.  I am shooting some serious porn today so all you serious porn watchers shall be able to join me in quest to continue the art of porn.  Art, that is very much a stretch.  Porn isn’t art.  It’s dicks and pussies doing what dicks and pussies do which is fucking.  Which is a good thing but calling it art… that may push it?  My ability to consume sperm in so many ways… that might be an art.  Otherwise it is simply down and dirty fucking and I am oh so good with that.  So the posts will be here today but I can’t do much for extensive content.  I will keep you posted on the day though so watch for that.  This video is from this day 9 yrs ago in 2012.  Why did I put it up?  Because I thought lets throw some old stuff up and then some new stuff up just to kind of see the stark contrast between the two.  The actual difference is the equipment.  Back then, we used video cameras and all kinds of weird stuff.  Today, we use phones which make it so much more spontaneous.  Back in the day, you couldn’t just whip the video camera out of your pocket and say let’s fuck.  You had to set everything.  Phones, literally just whip it out with your dick and we are all over it fucking like champs in seconds. @u125291845 

Wore my dress out last night.  Didn’t get laid.  Lots of stares, but no dick.  We really need to do something about the state of affairs with guys keeping their dick in their pants.  Just saying.  It makes my cock box angry.  I find that the “woke” crowd is reverting to puritanical days as far as sex is concerned.  Like it’s a hush-hush, don’t tell anyone a thing.  I find the redneck crowd to be the easiest to get my fuck on with.  They will stick their dick in you anywhere, 24/7.  The hip hop crowd, running a close second to the rednecks.  The normal crowd, the vast majority of folks in between a label, they are hit or miss.  Some will whip it out and feed me what I want, others want to talk and have dinner…. as in actual food and not eat me out.  But the woke crowd, they are the worst.  It’s like sex is a disgusting act to lots of them.  Where in the world did they go so wrong?  Who knows?  Fuck em.  I’ll stick to the other labels.

My microwave is way too fucking noisy.  After all these years you think someone would have come up with a quiet microwave.  Nope.  It sounds like a factory floor when I turn it on and I turn it on a lot.  People are fighting to just stay alive in this world and I’m bitching about the noise level of my microwave.  Crazy times we live in.  I should do better.

So no, I didn’t get fucked yesterday.  I gave a handjob while driving around Daytona last night at 10:30pm.  Helpful hint.  If your dick spits cum out and it flys everywhere, I do not recommend a black shirt to wear.  Poor dude had to go home to his wife and kids with jizz stains everywhere on his black shirt.  And the stains looked like he shot cum all over his shirt which he obviously did.  I haven’t heard from him yet today.  I assume all is good on the home front, but who knows.  If I was his wife and he came home looking like he did, I would know he just blew sperm all over his shirt.  It is what it is.  I know when I’m cumming I don’t think about any consequences of said cum until it’s way too late and I’m sure it was the same for him.  I will say he made some funny faces while his testicles were squeezing the jizz out.  He sucked in his breath, got all cramped up, made a funny noise and had that shocked look in their eye everyone gets when they cum.  I do so love making people cum.  The whole thing from start to finish is a never ending fascination for me.

How to turn a bad day into a good day.  Rub one out.  Just saying.  They should put that on a public service announcement. 

People keep showing me videos of people lip syncing skits and inspirational crap.  I can’t watch another one.  The first ones were funny but after seeing it for 9 millions times now… it’s losing its appeal.  I know they are popular for whatever reason, but they are like nails on a chalkboard to me now.  Especially the inspirational ones.  If you need to tell me something through lip syncing someone else’s thoughts, material, or content, then you are without a doubt portraying someone you are not nor ever will be.  Which is I guess the point of lip syncing phrases and skits?  Duhh on me.  I am not saying the world should quit doing whatever it enjoys doing just because little Ol me doesn’t like it.  I’m just saying it annoys the holy fuck out of me.  That is all.

About making videos.  I wish I had the skills to make movie magic.  I would make some weird crap.  Weird crap turns me on.  Seriously weird crap really turns me on.  Well Brooke, you say, tell us how weird you would actually get!  If I had the knowhow and the ability to make it, I would make a video where I would turn awful people into giant cocks.  Literally and graphically transform them into a shriveled up 3ft penis with balls squirming on the ground, only able to mumble through what is now their cum hole.  No eyes, no nose, just a mumbling cum hole in the head of massive floppy cock, still very aware of who they used to be twitching on the ground.  When I felt like it, I would pet their head and watch them grow as they mumbled how it hurt because they were cramping and hardening up until they were twice their size and stiff as a board squirming around on the floor.  Then I would rub the giant ridge of the head until they puuked a giant load of semen, coughing and gagging as they spit every drop out.  Oddly enough… I would want to be that giant squirming dick chucking up jizz just to experience it.  Told you weird shit turns me on.  You may now back away from me, slowly disappearing into the bushes.

Catch you all in a little while!


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