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Man, it’s too early right now, and it’s like fucking 9AM, which normally would be very late for me.  Stayed up too late last night.  I had 2 drinks which is 1 more than I normally would, but that spanned a 6 or 7 hour period so, no, no hangover.  Just physically tired.  From fucking?  Nope.  Maybe from trying to fuck.  He drank too much.  So much so that his dick got dr unk and wobbly and then passed out on us.  It looked like a good dick, but I just couldn’t wake it up.  Neither could he.  He looked kind of ridiculous pulling on it to the point I thought he might pop it clean off.  No matter, his penis threw a tantrum and decided it wasn’t going to cum out and play.  Which meant I wasted all that time dealing with him to get him to the point of lets fuck only to be left with a vagina devoid of any sperm intrusion.  I’m sure glad I made that video before I went out last night or my night would have been a complete bummer.  No, I won’t be seeing this ding dong again.  Too much trouble for too little, actually more like zero return.  I was tired and bummed out so I went home, didn’t even rub one out, still haven’t rubbed one out, and now I’m beat.  So saying he fucked up my night and so far the start to my day would be accurate.  I need to rub one out.  I think I will watch that video I made yesterday and release the buildup that is annoying me.  It would have been so much better if his dick pumped me full of breeding material last night.  I know I was set to have a monumental cum.

So what now?  I don’t know.  Like I said, I think I am going to get myself off, take a nap, and start this day over again.  Maybe I can get lucky this afternoon.  I think I’ll drive around in the Jeep in the USA Slingback bikini with a pair of Daisy dukes on.  If I run up and down the beach long enough, I just might find some cock looking for some box.  Preferably hard cock looking for my box, to be precise.  I know you guys think it’s easy peasy, spread my legs and get my insides greasy.  It’s not.  Guys don’t just jump at the chance for pussy anymore.  They have to think about it.  Consider the emotional aspects or some other silly fruit ball shit guys come up with these days.  They want me to be more respectful of their emotional wellbeing.  For fuck’s sake.  I just want some dick.  A hard dick that will pump my guts full of jizz, leave a snail trail of cum down my leg, do it a second or better yet a third time and then pack that cock back up and take it home.  I’ll send for it again shortly.  Is that too much to ask for?  Anyway, getting laid isn't the easiest thing to do anymore.  I should have made plans with some of my regulars, but I didn’t.  If I had I would now be sitting in a nights old puddle of jizz that is still draining out of me, all smiles and admiring the dried crusty snail trail of sperm running down my leg.  But I do like strange cock.  Strange cock is my downfall.  No two dicks are the same and I am on a quest to see them all.  Or at least as many as I can before I can’t.  I am going to rub one out now, take a nap and I will catch up with you later.



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