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Post 1 of 2.  Thursday it is.  Let’s kick this fucker off with some photos from yesterday.  I know… everyone wants videos but I keep taking these pics to annoy you.  I like taking pics.  I started my career taking pics in 1999.  Holy shit, that was a long time ago.  I wish I still had some from back then, but things like external hard drives and memory sticks… well, they didn’t exist.  If they did, they were way too expensive.  My online career started with making sure everyone was off the phone, dialing up AOL online or CompuServe and hitting those blazing speeds of about 150 KBPS.  Pictures would slowly appear over the course of a minute or so.  I started keeping photos is like 2004 or 2005.  I have tons of those old photos.  If you are interested in seeing them, let me know and I’ll put them up.  Anyway, enjoy these pics, let me know what you think.  Again, I took them yesterday so nothing old about these pics.

I think I am going to get fucked in the ass today.  Just thought I’d mention that.  It’s been a while since I have had a good ass fucking.  Why?  You got to be tested just like I am because that is a sure-fire way for shit to go wrong if someone has a nasty.  I could require condoms, but I fucking absolutely detest condoms.  I want to feel the head of a cock pushing my colon apart, not some piece of plastic.  Plus, how the fuck am I going to enjoy a steamy lump of sperm left deep in my rectum if the penis leaving said load of jizz in my ass is wrapped in plastic?  Just saying here.  The best part of getting my ass stuffed with cock is the cream filling at the end of the stuffing.  Anyway, problem solved with this guy.  He is tested, experienced in the workings of my ass, and always has two very large, very round testicles that dump serious amounts of cum in my ass.  Plus his balls size in not indicative of his dick size.  It is the ideal length and width for a perfect fucking of my ass.  I know he likes me to swallow his baby batter, and I do love doing that, but not today.  His swimmers are going to swimming in my ass today.  And they shall stay there for hours.  I love the way sperm just hangs around in my ass and slowly leaks out over time.  It’s like perpetually slippery feeling that keeps my clit hard like granite.  Yes, someone will ask.  My clit gets hard, just like your dick.  It grows, gets all puffy and stiff, and if you handle it correctly will cause me to drool thick girl jizz… not p!ss that flys out as if someone is p!ssing because that is exactly what they are doing.  I have some solo videos where you can see that happening and I won’t lie, sometimes I come so hard I lose control and squirt.  Girl cum oozes out.  You know you did good if you make her ooze.  Now there is a problem with the girl ooze.  It’s a Catch 22.  If I ooze it’s because you made me cum massively hard.  But trying for round two is difficult because now I am so lubed up. The slickness numbs the friction sensations.  If I take a break though, dab myself with a towel, I am usually ready for action and another oozing session.  Anyway, I do not know why I am telling you this.  Too much information for sure.  Whats next?

I like transsexuals.  They fascinate me.  Especially the ones who do it so well they look better than most girls do.  Then now and then a perfectly beautiful one will show up with a massive cock which makes my head spin and turns my vagina into a slip and slide.  Problem is… most of them are totally not into girls.  I suppose if I was a guy I could have mixed feelings about the whole trans thing.  It’s not confusing for me at all.  I know exactly what I want and would do so with zero hesitation.  Plus, I am openly gay for chicks so there would be no shock at all with that aspect.  Guys on the other hand have a conundrum.   Unless they have openly admitted that they dig dick then they can’t just run out and tell their friends to look at the hot bitch with a dick.  I get it.  The struggle is real with this issue.  But, if it was me, and I had a dick, and god I wish I did, I would suck that tranny dick.  That’s not gay.  Gay is wanting to watch Lifetime TV while holding hands and eating popcorn with another dude.  Occasionally looking lovingly at each other.  That’s gay.  I know this.  I have held hands with another woman, watched shitty Lifetime shows, looked lovingly in another girl’s eyes and thought, this is the person I want to be with.  Of course I was wrong but you get the point.  Man, I am getting way out there again.  A bad habit of mine.  What’s my point?  I don’t know.  Maybe send me pics and videos of yourself with an amazingly hot trans chick.  I promise I won’t do anything too weird while looking at them.  Who am I kidding, I will break out the toys, lube, towels, clear my schedule and make a night of it.



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