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Someone asked what was the strangest experience I have ever had.  That is a tricky question because the definition of strange is relative to what each person considers strange.  People think I’m strange because of the things I do that turn me on, so I try not to judge.  With that said, there is always someone who is out to top me in the world of bizarre things to do.  Plus, lots of folks don’t want to share their kink with their wives/girlfriends and what better way than to do it with someone who won’t judge or run away.  So, the one that stands out the most is not even that extreme.  In fact, as far as extreme goes it doesn’t even register on the extremometer.  I made that word up but you get the point.  So what did he do?  First, he showed up and was a fucking 10 on the hot scale and when he undressed; he was still a 10.  Massive schlong, ripped body, great looking.  I think I knew something was about to get freaky just by that.  This guy could have any chick, dude, or combination of both that he wanted.  I didn’t give a crap.  I was about to indulge myself in a whole lot of gorgeous cock, or so I thought.  So we got down to it.  He told me he brought something he wanted to wear and was like by all means.  I was thinking cock ring, ball straps, something like that.  Nope, he had a gold see through g-string with feathers on it.  OK, whatever floats your boat, I’m thinking I’m still going to fuck his dick off till I shoot off like a rocket so who cares what he wears.  After he got them on, and he still looked good because his body made anything he wore look good, he said he wanted to show me something.  Sure, show me what you got.  I’ll play along to get a shot at that dick.  He then started prancing around the room, imitating a rooster.  Did the whole cluck cluck cluck thing, pretended to flap his wings, and strutted around the room.  He asked me to tell him that he was the best looking “cock” I have ever seen and tell him what a handsome rooster he was.  He asked me to ask him if I wanted to feed him and to pretend to throw chicken feed on the ground, which he would get down and peck it up with his pretend beak.  I started looking around the room, wondering if I was being set up.  I even stopped him for a second and asked what was going on.  I was like, “wait… what exactly are we up to here?”  I was thinking this was some kind of weird joke.  He got super embarrassed, and I realized he was truly into this.  Now I’m feeling bad for making him feel weird.  So I backed up, regrouped, and said, “If we are going to do this, we’re going to do it right.  Now let me hear what real rooster sounds like.”  He popped right back into rooster mode and cock a doodle do’d like a motherfucker.  After about 5 minutes of of roostering around and listening to me tell him what a pretty cock he was, he said “I have to make eggs.”  He then roostered over to me, flapping his wings and put his cock right in front of me, still in his see through G string, and while flapping his wings and making rooster sounds, he came.  I never touched, he never touched himself.  I still remember all that sperm oozing through the sheer material on his G string and dripping on the floor.  That turned me on.  I have never seen a guy cum in a pair of sheer panties and even better watch the amazing way the jizz just works its way through the material.  I never saw him again after that.  I was traveling when I met him and he called and texted wanting to get together but that was St Louis, MO and I never really got there much in those days.  I would have if things matched up.  I would like to have gotten the chance to feel that beautiful cock sliding up inside me, but it never happened.  So, yes, he stands out the most as far as strange experiences go.  Odd part is, after you do it once, it doesn’t really seem that strange.  Not something I would ask someone to do, but I wouldn’t say no either.  I do love making someones fantasy/kink a reality as much as reality will allow it.  The bounce in their step afterwards is worth the price of admission a thousand times over.  But, and remember this guys, turnabout is fair play. 😜

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