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Here are some pics I just took this morning.  I got a sick pump and decided to pump the dude snapping my phone pics for me.  I tried to pump that sucker clean off but it spit at me before I could accomplish that.  No, we didn't fuck.  It's a long story. I'll tell you later.

Saturday Morning it is.  I went cockless on a Friday.  How the fuck does that happen?  I don’t know, but it happens more than I like it to.  I am a loaded double-barrel shotgun right now and ready to blow
 if you know what I mean.  Frustrated would be the word.  I thought I was going to get laid.  I touched the cock I thought was going to be inside of me, felt its hardness through his shorts, saw the wet spot of the sperm that should have been swimming inside of me.  But then he had to go.  Things were moving too fast.  Really?  Motherfucker!  Because of him they have now diagnosed me with big fat clit syndrome that just won’t go down.  It’s uncomfortable.  Sure, I can masturbate but I don’t want to.  I want to be fucked.  I want some dude to take his dick and show me what it means to screwed stupid and I want him to leave me dripping cum from every hole in my body.  He needs to fuck me so thoroughly that I can’t put coherent sentences together.  I want him to make me so cum dizzy he laughs at me when he leaves.  This isn’t helping.  I’m getting fucking sloppy just typing this out.  Anyway.  I have no prospects for today so I am starting from scratch here.  I thought for sure I was getting fucked last night and put high hopes on that one.  Talk about a letdown.  Lets move on.

I have been hit with a zillion questions about what I meant when I said in the past I used to be a “pro temporary girlfriend.”  It means exactly what you think it does.  A chick for hire, ho, and about a thousand other names.  No, I in no uncertain terms do it anymore, it’s been a long time and again that is the past, so I am saying here, please don’t ask.  If you persist I will just ignore you.  Any ads you see are nothing more than a dirty trick.  And those ads are out there and plentiful.  They pull my pictures off of Twitter and Instagram.  You will be in for a seriously unwelcome surprise when the door opens because it won’t be me.  Yes, this happens all the time.  I always wondered what happens when someone other than me is at the door?  Do the guys leave?  Stay? Run?  I would pick the latter.  One needs to be diligent when undertaking such a venture to avoid these types of things.  Doesn’t matter.  I am no longer in the business.  Why?  Because I did it for 20 yrs.  I met some of the greatest people in the world and we are wonderful friends to this day.  If I didn’t get out of it when I did, I never would have.  It’s like a drug to me.  I loved every second and would spend every waking minute doing one thing or another to be involved in it.  It’s not what you see on TV, that’s all bullshit.  Sure there are ding dongs that run around on street corners or something similar but that is more drug addiction than anything else.  And, yes, you run a prime chance of running into money grubbing idiots who are out for a quick buck and will lie and say anything to get your money.  But there is also a segment of folks who are into it for the joy of the game.  The money is good.  You don’t get rich doing it but you get to do something you love and stay afloat doing it.  All that crap you see where they are living like millionaires is BS.  Some latch on to dudes with cash and get them to float them condos and cars and such.  That creeps me out, and it only gives the appearance of wealth.  It changes the rules of the game for me which means the quality of sex would go down.  It also screams fake.  I always wanted to be there because I wanted to be there, not because my condo was in some guy’s name.  I can pay for my place, my cars, my own whatever.  Always have, always will.  So why did you do it?  Why not just be a swinger?  First, I have done the swinger thing and still do to an extent to this day.  It’s just not the same.  The thrill isn’t there.  That excitement of meeting a completely new person, one you have never seen before, never faded.  Sure, I did my due diligence checking folks out but still when that door opens and there they are
 it’s a panty soaking event.  But what about looks Brooke?  What if they were ugly as fuck?  First, if they showed up obviously unclean, the door closed.  Second, I am lucky in life because everyone is just a blob to me.  Basically a Mr Potato Head.  As you speak, your facial features and attractiveness form.  Most of the time almost always in the right direction.  Now and then I would get a serious asshole and I simply wouldn’t see them again.  And yes, the sex would suck with those guys.  But for the vast majority, it was game on.  I was serious about it.  I wanted to cum.  Hell, that’s true to this day.  It would frustrate some guys because I would sometimes force what I wanted on them to get the cum.  They wanted to do doggy but their dick was so fat I wanted missionary because I knew it would make me cum that much harder.  I know, selfish and a tad rude, but as soon as I got mine they got theirs in a big way.  If I didn’t cum, I would tell them that and expect them to do better the next time.  They almost always did.  No point in not being honest.  If I faked and lied about cumming, then I would be stuck with a guy who never made me cum and who wants that?  I can’t remember a guy who didn’t make the effort after I told them and complete the mission of making me gush.  But what about STDs?!  Never had one and knock on wood, covered wood that is, I never will.  I definitely won’t get one from that world because those days are over.  Yes, condoms were a must, and I gave everyone a strong visual inspection that they never knew was happening.  Some of you may wonder if business dried up over the last few years.  To the contrary, I hung up my hat on the highest note possible.  I got so involved that I finally decided it was causing me to ignore everything and everyone else in my life.  So, I retired and when I say retired, I mean that in the most literal sense of the term.  I saved, ran a very nice 401K, never spent more than I should have and now I spend my days thinking of how I am going to find dick
 or pussy, never forget the pussy.  The truth is I am in a new chapter in my life and it’s the happiest I have ever been and I have been a happy fucking person! It’s kind of the reverse of when dick used to find me and I am pretty happy about that!  Now it’s the thrill of the chase!  Please, don’t ask about getting together with me for those types of things.  It won’t happen.  If you want to know about something I’ve done or particular situations in the past, I have a million stories and I’m happy to tell you but again, those days are long over and not to be repeated.  I have to say this again, I am long retired and I am not making a comeback.  I will keep you up to date with my new ventures, which mostly involve me trying to trick dudes into emptying their balls inside of me.   And it’s getting trickier to do every damn day it seems!  I want to say, one last note here, the sex over the last year
 fucking incredible.  Mind numbing stupid incredible.  I came the other day just giving the camera dude a hand job.  When his jizz hit my tongue, I touched my clit and boom, just like that, I blew a girl load.

I got more today, if you have something you want to see just let me know, I am in a request kind of mood!



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