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Did some cheesy pics today in the gym.  Why?  Why not?  Beats doing non cheesy pics without nudity... I know that much!

What's new?  I got a guy texting me to stay away from him and his girlfriend.  First things first, I haven't seen him in the better part of a year and I haven't seen nor talked to his girlfriend since I blocked her number on my phone.  Though she does still write to me on Instagram.  This guy approaches me at Froggy's I would guess almost a year ago.  He says his girlfriend has a thing for me.  I check her out. She is banging hot, and he wasn't so bad himself.  We talk, we fucked, we exchanged numbers.  He gets with me like a week later; we set it up; we do it again.  He wasn't all that in the sack, but she was.  So the next day after our last fuck I get a text from her.  She wanted to get together.  I kind of thought it was all part of their little sexy game, but it wasn't.  She told me how she hated him. He was always trying to get her swap with other couples so he could bang the hot wife, but she was stuck with the not so hot husband she didn't want to fuck.  Sure, I banged her out like a good whore would, and I had my fun.  But all the complaining and the somewhat clingy manner she had about her was turning me off.  So I avoided her as much as I could.  But, I get horny now and then for her and she texted me last week, and I brought her to my place and ate her for lunch, then for dinner, and the next morning she was breakfast as well.  She said she left him.  She didn't tell me that she left him that day, and this was the first night she was on her own.  She started hinting around that she needed a place to stay and I was like STOP.... not going to happen.  Nobody is moving in with me... period.  The only people I can tolerate for an extended amount of time are my dogs.  So she left.  Then I start getting calls from the husband accusing me of wanting to steal his wife.  I know, stupid but true.  I inform him I wasn't trying to "steal" anyone and he should discuss this with his wife.  He calls me a few choice names. I hang up, hope it's the end of this little drama fest and go back to eating my pretzels and cheese.  The next day he calls again, goes through the same things, warning me this time saying there will be a priced to pay.  I say sure.  Then she calls, wants to get together again.  Fuck it.  I like licking her pussy.  I could lick her box for days it really is that good.  So I bang her out with my tongue again.  She leaves and apparently tells him I ate her till she gushed in my mouth.  He calls, yelling and screaming.  I block his number, not hers.  If she calls or texts again, I will definitely eat her out.  There is no doubt about that.  Look, it's all fun and games in the swinging world till I fuck your wife better than you do and she ends up belonging to me.  So, I say to all you swingers, careful what you wish for.  Just because you swing with a set of rules doesn't mean that I do.  Just saying.  And thanks for your wife, she tastes great!



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