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It's wide open Wednesday.  No more Hump Day.  There is a theme to these photos... they are kind of wide open.  https://onlyfans.com/u125291845  Humpday.  Hate that term.  I rarely get laid on hump day.  It seems to be my most unlucky day for getting humped.  I should work on that.  Change the Karma up or something goofy like that.  Whatā€™s new.  My vagina went penis free last night.  In other words, it went vegan.  What the fuck guys?  If my vagina even gets a whiff of a stiff dick right now, itā€™s going to need a ā€œShamWow.ā€  Remember those?  I donā€™t even know what they were or are, but they sure sucked up a lot of puddles on the commercial.  So basically what Iā€™m saying is my box needs a cock massageā€¦ itā€™s under a lot of stress right this minute.  I hate to be the one to inform you of this, but apparently guys miss signals.  If I grab your assā€¦ no matter where we might beā€¦ I want to fuck.  If I smack your assā€¦ I really want to fuck.  Iā€™m not just goofing around.  Thatā€™s my pussy telling you to do something with it.  If I grab your ass in the storeā€¦ fuck me in the car.  Take me in the bathroom, just stick it the fuck in and I will do the rest.  I miss the cave dweller days which was like 10 or 15 yrs ago.  When guys would say the worst shit and I would smile and grade them on their sexual harassment abilities.  The higher the grade, the more likely I would drink their sperm.  Ah, the good old days.  I like straight men way more than I do gay men.  Less competition.  I donā€™t have to be fighting off competition for the hot guy in the room when Iā€™m with straight men.  I like straight women more than gay women.  They arenā€™t as needy.  I consider myself extremely gay as well as extremely straight.  Itā€™s a hard trick to pull off, but I have mastered the craft.  It can be frustrating when you have to make a choice between one or the other, but the guys tend to win because cocks do way more wonderful things both visually and physically.  Iā€™m going on and on about what I donā€™t even know anymore.  So, there will be at the minimum a blowjob video today, maybe more if I can convince him to do so.  I am biting the bullet on this one and Iā€™m doing it for you guys.  My pussy is like fuck the camera, just fuck me till I drool jizz.  My unselfish side is saying film it, you can always whack yourself off later if you donā€™t cum.  Yes, lets drop the truth bomb.  Yes, I do cum when Iā€™m fucking guys for fun and video it.  I donā€™t cum near as hard though.  Too much going on.  Sometimes shit doesnā€™t go as planned and I donā€™t get off, which makes my box very upset.  So I finish the job manually afterwards.  With that said, I will now give the signal at the end of each video that will tell you if I came.  That signal being a thumbs up!  If I give no signal, then I did not.  I mean, I donā€™t want to be giving a thumbs down because everyone knows what that means and I donā€™t want to socially rude.  But you will know so thereā€™s that.

How about some unhappy fan reader mail?  Thatā€™s always good for a chuckle.  I posted something on Instagram.  Some of you have obviously seen it.  Itā€™s me smoking a cigar.  That invoked some odd feelings in several fans.  Not quite sure why.  I will include the picture for your perusal.

Mike writes ā€mike_dubbs33ā€

ā€œJust stop this is painful! Fucking dorkā€

Yet he still follows me oddly enough.  Dork.  Is that even a bad thing anymore?  I am pretty sure he lives in the area and has been asking me if I have seen his jacked up truck.  I could be wrong, but probably not.  No, I havenā€™t seen his jacked up truck.  There are a million jacked up trucks here.  For fuckā€™s sake, itā€™s Daytona Beachā€¦ home of the jacked up everything.  Now donā€™t go running to my rescue and try to salvage my feelings from this horrible assault on my fragile emotions.  I remember way back when, when Yahoo Messenger was a thing and I used to kick people off the phone just so I could log onto the internet.  I used to get upset about such things.  Then I realized some of it is actually kind of funny.  If you canā€™t laugh at yourself, you arenā€™t living your full life.  I also realized that the people doing the insulting would get super upset if their insults made me laugh.  The more insulting they got, the funnier it became to me.  Weird, I know, but honestly, the best part of getting old is you seriously have zero fucks to give for these types of things.  Plus, I brought this up because I couldnā€™t stop laughing last night about the use of ā€œDork.ā€  I donā€™t know why itā€™s funny, but Iā€™m laughing as I type this right now.  Did you ever just find something funny and even though other people are like ā€œHey, weirdo, itā€™s not that funny.ā€ but you canā€™t stop laughing anyway?  Thatā€™s where I was and kind of still am on this one.  I mean, this wasnā€™t the only one I got on this picture.  ā€œSnowPiercer69 writes (Hey old hag you look older than the smoke)ā€  I am not quite sure what that means but it seems to lack any effort at all as well as zero in the originality or creative department.  I donā€™t remember tossing insults at anyone randomly, but if I were going to, they would be well thought out and with a touch of pizazz.  Just saying.  Man, I have wasted five minutes on these ding dongs.  Wait.  Let me rephrase that.  I have wasted five minutes on these ā€œdorks.ā€  That is my new go to word now.  ā€œDorkā€  Letā€™s bring it back and make it popular again.  Thanks, Mike!  Two thumbs up, Mr!

  Anyway, I am out for this post.  I have several posts to put up today, so watch for them! 




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