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So I have new content, but you are going to have to wait till tomorrow to see it in its entirety.  With @boydbanksxxx @kenzifoxx   Of course it will be free, I don’t do the PPV trick… and it does really feel like a trick because it happened to me.  I joined a girls OF because I have a girl crush on her and every fucking message was a PPV thing.  She put crap I could see on Twitter or Instagram on her timeline.  I didn’t re-sub after that.  I feel like I told you a price; you agreed, and you paid, thank you very much by the way, so now it’s time for me to produce the goods for the price I agreed upon.  No unlocks or PPV, just the content I agreed to give you.  That’s how I feel, anyway.  I’m not saying it’s the correct way to do things for everyone, but it feels right to me.  So tomorrow I will roll out one of the videos and then later this week the second one, so watch for it!

Hope your day went well today.  Mine went pretty damn good.  Couldn’t do a bunch of stuff today because today is Mother’s day and if you didn’t know it, I am a Mom.  So we did the whole Mother’s Day thing, and that kind of took up a sizeable chunk of the day.  Do they know what I do?  Absolutely.  Do we sit around and talk about it?  Of course not.  That would be creepy and weird.  But they have known for just about ever now.  Everyone has kind of known.  My neighbors, the people at the bars and restaurants, sometimes I will be in Lowes or Walmart and someone will come up and say hi.  That doesn’t happen very often, I am not that well known at all.  But occasionally.  What kills me are girls who have like a zero following who think they are famous, tweet like they are famous, Instagram like they are famous, and when I talk to them, they tell me they get approached and recognized 10 times a day.  Look, I have been out and about with some serious porn chicks, way more successful than me in the world of porn, chicks who, if you watch porn, you know who they are.  Miraculously, nobody knows who we are unless we tell them.  But somehow these girls who are literally nobody in the scheme of things think they are worldwide and instantly recognizable.  I need to find their PR agent.  I bet it is BullShit PR Incorporated, I should call them so I can get recognized.  Anyway, where the fuck was I going with this before I started bitching about dumb shit.  Oh yeah, everybody knows what I do. How does that happen you ask? So it’s really kinda stupid.  In my neighborhood here in Daytona Beach it was a guy that lived across the street and he picked up that I was making porn or more like he saw my porn online and he shared it with all the neighbors. He was actually doing it maliciously, but it backfired in his face. The people around me had already known me for the better part of the year, so they had a pretty good idea of who I was. Me making porn or making porn in the past really didn’t seem to bother anybody. Of course I don’t really know what they say behind my back, though I don’t think it’s anything really awful. But it is human nature to want to tell people everything. So as more people knew what I did, the more people recognized me in my neighborhood area. But time has a way of smoothing everything and anywhere I go in Daytona I’ve made plenty of friends who just don’t give a shit whether I suck dick or lick a pussy and share it with everyone online. I won’t lie, the older people do not take well to the information that I enjoy being blasted with sperm for all to see. But then again, old people have always been notorious for not keeping up with the times and being judgmental. As I get older, I find myself doing the same stupid thing, but I try to be as open-minded as I can. Anyway, back to the dingdong that outed me, he ended up being the neighborhood dickhead. And he finally moved out. To be fair, he actually ended up being a pretty nice guy. Most people come around after they find out I am not some drug crazed alcohol fueled party monster. You’re more likely to see me mowing my lawn than doing anything else. I won’t lie, I leave the house in some whacked out outfits and my neighbors let me know they saw me in them. Plus, we hang out a lot, go to bars and restaurants and I don’t dress very conservative at all, but they have all seemed to gotten used to it.  So what I’m saying here is that people don’t recognize me because they were avid porn watchers or because I’m a big name but because one dingdong thought it was cool to out me. My family knew many many years ago so really you can’t out me because everyone already knows. I’ve actually had people tell my kids or ask them if they knew I was doing porn. My oldest son one time answered somebody does your wife know that you’re watching her porn? He had no response. My kids were very popular back in the day because not only did they want to come see a real life porn chick, I had lots of other porn chicks showing up at my house. Whenever some hot yung porn chick was at my house, all their friends were there. Now we weren’t doing anything porn related, we were mostly doing paperwork and things like that and just hanging out, but as you might’ve guessed porn chicks don’t always dress in a PG manner. They often walked out of the house in a very hard R ensemble.  Hell, I do it myself to this day but then again I live by myself so there’s that. Back then, not so much. It took every penny I had, but my lifestyle afforded them both Master Degrees from well-known universities with little to no college debt. That’s about all they will get from me except for my house when I die and maybe my truck and Jeep if I still have them. I fully plan on spending every penny I have so they won’t have much in inheritance, but I feel like that’s a fair deal. People often ask me if I have any regrets. Zero. The only thing I would’ve changed is I would’ve gotten in porn right after I was legal knowing what I know now. I’ve always had the mental capacity and fortitude to handle the creeps in porn and all the other pitfalls that claim most girls within a couple years. I could’ve done this at a much younger age and more time to enjoy it.  Christ, I’m rambling now. Let’s end it here.



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