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I dropped all the right hints, got naked, saw their erections in their shorts, and still went home with an unfucked pussy.  I can’t believe it.  They both texted me after I left, wanting me to go out with them
 neither knowing the other was texting as well.  Fuck these two.  I mean, I wanted to fuck them, but now fuck em.  They are in their 30s.  They know better.  I don’t have time for silly games.  I swear people throw me for a fucking loop.  They could have bred me all night long.  Even if they had just let me suck their dicks.  I would write a different story this morning.  Not even a peek at their cocks.  I would have settled for just seeing them.  Then text me afterwards, trying to be all sneaky behind their friend’s back.  The both of them.  They deserve each other.  They claim to be best friends.  What kind of friend doesn’t stick his dick in the chick sucking his Bro’s cock?  Pussy move, if you ask me.  I remember sucking 4 guys off in front of 4 other guys.  At least three of them had the testicles to do it.  One of them couldn’t cum at first, but I sucked his balls in my mouth and he finished nicely just as his 2 other buddies had.  Anyway, no boat time with these 2 lame fucks ever again.  No time for anything.  I think what pisses me off the most is going behind each other backs.  They both started their conversation with “Don’t tell so and so I texted you
”  Both within minutes of each other.  Both asked me to come over to their place.  I simply answered both with a simple “No.”  Were they pretty boys?  Absolutely.  I never really thought much about them as people.  All I wanted was to get ruined by two fine strapping men.  I had visions of leaking sperm for a week.  I ended up with two lunky ding dongs who talk the talk but trip and fall when they walk the walk.  So, I ended up going home, grabbing a couple neighbors and went out to my fave Mexican joint, got a so so Chimmy, drove around in my Jeep and called it a night.  But not before I turned on a video of some hot chick getting DP’d and got busy with myself.  By the time it was over I had a vibrator in my cunt and a dildo in my ass, and a short circuited brain from cumming so hard.  Man, those two idiots left a good time on the table.  That is all I will say about that.  Catch you all soon.  Have to run to the flea market and run the dogs, then I am making some new stuff to put up.  I will take suggestions so feel free to DM or comment on what you might like to see.


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