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Good Friday morning everyone!  I am back from Naples, FL where I had a fantastic trip, got bred in spectacular fashion, and generally had a great time.  Just saying.  These pics are going along with this post so if you read on you will figure it out.  New videos will be up today.  New BBC videos are cumming next week, and new girl on girl will be hear the following week.  So watch for them!  When I say new, I mean new.  As in just shot.  The new rules on here have put a damper on lots of my content, but I am just adjusting and getting content that fits the terms of service.

This post is a question-and-answer post.  Lots of questions in the posts recently, so I thought I would answer some of them.

First one, is why is my clit so damn big?  Because it kind of always was to begin with.  Just like some dudes are born with a big dick, I was born with a big clit.  Now, did I make it bigger?  You better fucking believe I did!  It’s an obsession with me.  At the risk of telling you more than you want to hear, I will do so.  I am not shy about what I like, nor what I will do to get it.  If that bothers you, no point in reading further. The bigger it gets, the more intense the cum I get.  I am not fucking around here.  It’s that simple.  Size matters for me when it cums to my clit.  It matters a lot.   It started with my hysterectomy 20-plus years ago.  I had to get on hormone replacement therapy being that I lost some of my guts because of tumors.  I was supposed to end up a dry old sexless hag after that.  Everyone told me that was going to happen.  Bullshit.  I got it in my head dick was in my future and made it so.  A month after getting all put back together, I was fucking.  I wasn’t just fucking; I was cumming.  Didn’t miss a beat, and I was getting bred 3 or 4 times a week.  Sometimes by 3 or 4 different dicks.  Best sex I ever had to that point.  The follow up doc asked me about my sex life months later and I told him it was great, but I had to use lots of lubes.  I wasn’t wet, but if I used lube, all was like it should be.  He asked me how much testosterone I was taking.  None.  I was taking absolute zero.  He told me that was a screwup and prescribed it be added to my hormone cocktail.  The intensity of sex didn’t change at all but I did get wet and lube was out so all was good.  About 6 months in my voice changed to lower.  I flipped out and went back to the doc to get it removed.  He told me even if I got off of it; the voice would not change back.  He asked me about my clit and it was fine, nothing changed.  About a year into it, it seemed bigger, and I was cumming so hard that I was seeing stars.  I kept finding myself staring at my clit and getting more and more turned on just by looking at it.  I got obsessed with getting it bigger.  I found a doc who let me get an injectable test, and I got into that.  It made my clit even bigger, but then it stopped.  Like I said, I was obsessed with it, and I still am.  So I found this thing called a clit pump, and I went to town every day several times a day, and after about a year, it was pretty damn big and staying that way.  So, I added a little more test and boom; it got bigger and bigger.  The bigger it got, the bigger I wanted it.  Still do.  I am wary of going overboard with putting things into my body, but I have found an actual doctor that said she can safely monitor me if that’s something I want to do.  I just started it, so I am super hopeful to add an inch in length and girth as well.  What about my physical appearance?  Did the test get me my muscles?  No, eating and a solid two hours a day lifting got those.  My test levels aren’t high enough to make much of an impact on my lifting.  I won’t lie though, I am hoping the higher amounts will put some bulk on my arms as an added bonus.  What could be better?  A massive chick dick along with some killer biceps able to squeeze your dick so hard your balls won’t know what to do!  So, yes, over the next few months I am hoping to see a substantial increase in size to my chick cock.  Makes me sopping wet thinking about it.

Why do you like cum so much?  4 people asked me this question over the last 48 hours.  Unless you have ever felt a man’s penis ejaculate inside of you, I am not sure how to describe the obsession I have with sperm.  I may have a different take on sex.  Many women seem to think allowing you to have sex with them is a privilege they dole out when and how they want.  I kind of see it the other way around.  It may be instinctual, I don’t know.  I find myself grateful that you have allowed me the use of your penis.  I know it’s weird, but I see your dick as a separate entity from you.  I have tried not to, but it just doesn’t work for me.  Allowing me to make it granite hard, letting me put it in my mouth, letting me put it inside of me where ever I choose to put it, is a privilege to me.  That I can cause it to sneeze jizz inside of me is the ultimate sexual thrill.  I have said this before, but I don’t think I explain it well.  When I make you dump sperm inside of me, I am taking a part of you and leaving it inside of me.  A part that could impregnate me.  I know I can’t be bred technically, but that doesn’t mean I can’t pretend.

Last question.  Why are you not traveling out of Florida?  Why would I?  It’s nuts everywhere else.  The whole pandemic thing has had a lasting effect of keeping everyone in the house.  I listen to other people who have traveled, and they all sing the same sad song.  Super slow.  I don’t need any help in banging my head against the wall; I know how to do that fine all by myself.  Traveling right now appears to be nothing but a head-banging experience at the moment.  Someone will always tell me my business.  Usually someone who isn’t in the business they want to school me on.  I wonder if they stop and consider I have been at it for over 20 years?  So, no, I am not traveling as yet.  I will let you know when I decide to pack up the RV and hit the road.  This sounds like a snotty answer.  It’s not intended to be, just kind of came out that way.  I really need to go back and edit these posts, I just don’t have the time.  Editing presents a false image, anyway.



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