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Here is a video that I did with @deauxma in San Antonio TX.  We did it on a ranch that had 600 acres, so we had a ton of privacy.  This is the weirdest video I have ever made.  It was definitely fun without a doubt.  However, fun videos have a way of not being fan favorites.  This is probably to the point of weirdness that it will not be a fan favorite.  I have had this video for years now and never put it up because it really isn’t your standard porn.  It’s quite odd.  But once again, if I had to pick a video that was the most fun to make, this one would be in the top 3.  Let me know what you think, I am curious to how it goes over.  Remember, I lost a lot of videos to the OF purge and most of my likes went with them so if you dig it, like it for me!

Tats.  I am a fan of well thought out tats.  However, I never really thought any of mine out, but overall I don’t think they came out too bad.  I would never cover myself in them.  I don’t see the point.  I saw this video and I have to admit, some of them may have gone overboard.  Not that some of them aren’t hot, certainly not saying I wouldn’t do them, just saying I wouldn’t do what they did.  Check it out and see what you think.  Those of you reading this on OnlyFans won’t be able to see it, but if you want access, simply message me and I’ll get it to you.

Alright, don’t read any further if you don’t want to hear me bitch.  Some ding dong wants me to join her happy club, and I declined, which made her not so happy.  So, fair warning, the rest of this is me ranting it out.  Exit now if you don’t want to see it.

I have a chick who has a shit ton of followers on Social Media.  She is lecturing me on being nicer.  Lol.  Me, being nicer, now that’s fucking funny.  First, I don’t think I’m mean at all.  I do talk before I think, but at least you know you are getting genuine thoughts and not pre-planned strategically thought out canned responses.  I think I am as authentic as you will find on here.  I don’t like bullshit as much as the next person.  You know, “Look at me, I’m squirting for twenty seconds and its nothing but girl cum!”  No you're not. You’re p!ssing all over the fucking place.  It’s going to stink if you don’t get some serious Clorox on it, and fast.  Or the ever popular “I love everyone, everyone should just love each other.”  Except me, I am the exception.  You are allowed to hate me.  Apparently I am the Anti Christ of love.  These people are so full of shit it’s a wonder it doesn’t drool out of their ears.  I just want to be honest with you.  Not every day is a wonderful magical day.  Sometimes shit sucks.  I don’t love everyone.  Hell, I don’t love more than a handful of people.  I probably love more dogs than I do people.  Truth be told, I am more likely to be in love with the cock than I am the guy attached to it.  Some of them I don’t even like, but the dick trumps that.  Look, I’m not saying I don’t like you, just saying I don’t want to hold everyone’s hand and sing songs together.  I got shit to do.  Important shit.  Like getting dicked, hitting the swamps, bouncing the Jeep off sand dunes, getting more dick.  I don’t have to love you to be your friend.  I don’t even have to like you.  As long as I respect you, I can be your friend.  I respect people who are straight forward and don’t waste my time with BS and drama.  I lose all respect the second I see people selling the “I love everyone and wish everyone the happiest and most wonderful thoughts and well being ever!”  Bullshit.  Next time someone cuts you off, let me know if you still want to buy them a birthday cake.  You know who does that shit?  Unhealthy people.  Mentally unhealthy people.  They need to convince you they are happy and healthy.  They do this by telling you how much they love you and care for you and would send you the winning lottery numbers if they could.  But, fuck it, if it makes you feel happy listening to that crap, I’m all for it.  It just won’t be from me.  Nauseates the fuck out of me.  I guess because I know it’s a complete fraud.  I know these people, they would run you over for a loose dollar bill.  No matter what they tell you or sell you on its complete and total fraud.  But again, we all like to be sold on something, I’m no different.  I like people seeing me and saying nice things, I really do.  Even if they don’t mean it.  But I like to think I earn compliments.  I don’t like to be told I’m a fat old cunt.  That sucks, I get it.  I never do that to people, but I don’t back down either.  You say something I disagree with like everyone should get a trophy for just showing up and I’m likely to say they shouldn’t.  If you want everyone to be happy, start helping the people who need it the most in third world countries.  I don’t care about dumb shit like women getting equal pay in soccer or football or whatever you call it.  Join the men’s team.  They can join the women’s teams if they change their pronoun.  Change your pronoun and step up to the big boy league.  Fuck, where am I going with this?  I don’t have a clue.  I just hate being told what to do or think.  Actually I hate being told how to manipulate you, the consumer, which to me is just another dirty trick to relieve you of your cash without having to earn it.  Look, I know how to screw things up just fine all by myself, I don’t need ding dongs instructing me on how to do it.

Sheesh, as long at that was it went super fast.  I feel better now.  Warm fuzzy bunny better.  Now fuck off while I get something to eat.  Just kidding.  Kind of.  Still kidding.  Or am I?

Catch up with you all in a bit!


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