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  • 011df8b9-723e-4879-8dbc-797166ce47c4.m4v



Good afternoon everyone.  Hope all is well.  I was going to post content this afternoon and this evening, but I have an unexpected date with a large black penis.  Yay for me!  Yay for my pussy even more!  I was going to fuck this guy on video for you today, not the big black penis, but my current kind of fuck toy now and then.  However, the big black penis has dibs on my pussy and that is just the way it is and has to be.  My fucktoy better hope I don’t fall in love with his dick because this guy is local.  Out with fucktoy and in with big black penis.  He gets what he gets for now and my pussy isn’t something he is getting tonight.  If I get fucked stupid, he may never get it again.  Kind of mean, I know, but there is no arguing with my box.  So check out the video, he left a pretty good cum shot on my tits and though it would have felt better in my guts, I’m saving it for some fresh black cock sperm.  I will keep you posted, my hopes are high!  Also, I apologize about the filter on the video.  He must have turned it on somehow and it made everything plastic smooth, which is the norm these days but something I hate.  I wish I could delete the damn things from the camera.  Anyway, enjoy my plastic skin.  @u125291845 

I did put a post on my blog site so if you have access to that check it out and let me know what you think of it.  I am able to do more there than I am here, so it’s a bit more edgy and hardcore.  It has the content I had to remove as well as some other stuff.  Anyone who subscribes here has access to it at no cost so email me at milftyer gmail and I will get you a password.  You can message me as well.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, lets hope I get fucked so good I can’t remember my name and I wander around aimlessly dripping jizz down my legs.  Fuck, that sounds good.  Catch you all later!

Love ya in a weird kind of way



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