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Fun fact about me #1
I once broke my arm sleepwalking. Yes, sleepwalking 😂 I was at my gmas & she lives on a houseboat. On the same dock, there was a guesthouse. It had a ladder up to a loft and on on the other side of the loft, there was no wall. I walked off the edge. I fell an entire story. I woke up and yelled for my dad and he was freaking out asking me what happened. I asked him for a sprite, and he asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. I said no, just a sprite. Then I went back to bed. 
In the morning, I walked across the dock to my gmas and made myself an ice pack. An hour later, my dad walked in and told my gma what happened. She freaked out and said “let me see your wrist!” It was about triple the size of my other one 😂😂😂  I went to the hospital & found out I broke my growth plate. They almost flew me to Portland for surgery. 
Keep in mind, I was probably in 4th grade. I was a bad bitch back then too 😎
If anyone ever asks me how much I like sleep, refer to this post 😂😭


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