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I can't wait until I'm pregnant and swollen, waddling around in my husband's quickly shrinking t shirt with a hand on my hip and another holding my heavy belly. I can't wait for milk to flood my breasts and make them fat and achey, for my hips to spread out under the weight of his children and widen to the point that anything I wore pre-pregnancy can't even fit over my thighs, let alone my wobbling ass and jiggling hips. I can't wait for the pregnancy cravings to take my body to new levels of gluttony and excess. For my lover to pamper me and feed me until I look like I was born for carrying litter after litter of his children. I can't wait for strangers to see my massive gut and think, "Poor thing. They must be miserable being that huge." They'll have no idea how much pleasure it brings me to be constantly filled with cum and made to fulfill my purpose. They'll have no idea how I begged and begged for more, to be made bigger and more full, to be stripped of any semblance of being a person. I'm meant to be nothing more than a spoiled breeding cow, a constantly knocked up housewife whose womb needs to be put to good use as often as possible.
Until then.... I'll continue to grow for him. Continue to work on making my body more soft and fertile. Stuffing myself so full I can wrap his arms around my aching gut and pretend he's cradling my belly full of his babies. Fatter and fatter I grow, all to be the perfect breeding cow for him.



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