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Dungeon Master - Chapter 2

Mind numb in disbelief, Luke watched the scenery change to either side of his gaze as his feet led him toward a cozy tavern nestled against a hillside at the edge of the valley before him. A lush topography of rolling hills with flowering plants traversed the ground ahead toward the mouth of a dark oak forest. In the distance, mountainous peaks, dusted with snow, stood tall over the valley.

When Luke reached the tavern, smoke billowed from its chimney, whilst aromas of sweet meats wafted through with the smell of beer just behind. He stepped through the threshold and looked around. There were plenty of men, some human, others humanoid, but all different shapes and sizes, drinking and playing card games.

"Not a woman in sight," Luke muttered. "Leave it to my queer brother and his friends to play pretend orgy."

A muscular goblin stood behind the bar polishing beer glasses and eyeing Luke with keen interest. Luke grimaced but reluctantly walked over.

"You must hear a lot around here serving drinks to everyone."

"You're right," the goblin replied. "What do you need to know?"

"Not sure. Supposed to be making it through some sort of quest. My brother was super vague."

"Perhaps you're meant to journey to the wizards tower, past the mountains and behind the walls of the King's castle."

"Of course, I am," Luke sighed. "Do you know how it'd start?

"I do."

"... any consideration to sharing that information?"

"Human seed is a prized commodity. To breed with a human provides greater opportunity for your sons ... plus your cocks feel so damn good."

Luke stared intensely in return. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Th goblin purred on. "Mate with me, right now, in the back room, and I'll tell you all you need to know."

"Are you- ugh ... there's only one way to progress through this stupid shit, isn't there?"

"Normally ... no. There are many ways to traverse a world. But I'm receiving information, from above, that ... yes, this is indeed you're only option at this time."

"Christ. I gotta get the hell outta here. Fine, goblin dude. Your hole better feel like good pussy."

The goblin practically squealed in delight before lifting the bar for Luke to cross, next leading him into the room where the kegs were stored. 

"How are we doing this?" Luke asked, gruffly.

The goblin bent down and got on all fours. He perked his ass back and up into the air. Then he grunted and flexed his cheeks, which burst through his pants and bounced flirtatiously. Two wide slabs of chubby muscle, cartoonishly large.

"Fuck," Luke spat out. "You've got some fat cakes. I can work with that."

Luke mounted the goblin, thrust his cock inside and fucked his guts. His hips bounced back and forth off the goblin's fat ass with each slap. The goblin teased Luke and squeezed his hole to help milk the throbbing cock, demanding his load. With a strained, grunting gasp, Luke obliged, spewing cum deep into the goblin's belly.

"Thank you, Sir," the goblin uttered as he rose to his feet. "I can feel them growing inside me already. The man sitting in the corner of the room, by the window with red curtains. He's wearing some expensive jewelry. Appeal to him for passage through the dark oak forest across the valley floor. He looks capable of providing, if you can persuade him."

"Great, thanks. Shoulda brought some Viagra, I guess .... Here we go."


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