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How I got in to gaining

(I don’t intend this to be a great literary piece of work, just informative and hopefully a bit of entertainment!)
One night, an online gaining friend asked me, “so, when did u start gaining?”
“Ahh, that’s a story in itself!” Part of me didn’t want to tell it, I would be there for ages. But, he insisted. And since, other people have read it and have really enjoyed it, so here it is for you.

Well I’d always want to get fat, ever since I was about 11 or 12, but mum and dad were very strickt on what we ate as kids. When I was about 13 or 14 I used to eat a couple of the chocolate bars in the fridge if I was watching telly in kitchen. I remember once I was watching a program about a fat kids camps in USA and I just wanted to be like them – but not be on a weight loss camp! 

I was quite fit and active, into cycling and running in a big way. There was a kid in my class and ever since I’d known him, he was quit the fattest kid in school. At 14 he was about 270lbs at least. He used to eat so much at dinner times, like two plates of chips pilled high and sitting there usually on his own, but he was kind of ‘hard’ and cool and people liked him. 

I just wanted to be as fat as him. 

By end of year 11 (16) I was still only about 9 stone (136lbs). In 6th form college (16-18) I really wanted to let go and get fat, but couldn’t seem to get the confidence. Every now and then I’d have binges on scallops from the chippy, or 2 king size mars bars. I loved seeing other 6th form mates suddenly look as if they ballooned, but somehow I couldn’t do what deep down I wanted so badly. 

A year after 6th form, I’d turned 19 and had just been on a week’s walking holiday. My weight had gone from 11 (154lbs) stone to 9 stone again and I had become like a rake. My parents were away for 2 weeks in august when I got back, so I decided I’d really try and gain weight. 

I ate and ate and ate. I ate chips, even tried eating lard, cooking oil, the lot! What ever was in the house, I tried to eat it! Out of tins, the lot! (by the way, cooking oil and lard were disgusting!!!!!!! Not a great idea to even have tried.) 

So that was the Summer of 1995. That summer of ’95 I managed to get back to 10.5 stone (147lbs) in 2 weeks, but I was artificially low at 9 stn anyway, so I guess it wasn’t too amazing. 

For the next few years, I hovered between 10.5 and 11 stn, not much change. Even drinking beer at uni didn’t shift it. I always used to get off on the idea of gaining loads though. Looking in the mirror dreaming of my belly and body growing, or stuffing my clothes and padding the out to feel the bulk. By the 3rd year of uni, I realised most of my mates had put on weight, and I was still as skinny as when I was at 6th form! Sure I looked like I was 16 still :P, but they were fatter!!! 

I decided to move out of home in my 4th year and and that’s where I really began to eat well. After about Christmas time, I was getting heavily in to my final years work, so I would sit at my computer and just eat. We lived ova from a cheep Scandinavian supermarket branch, so cheep biscuits and boxes of Twix’s were easy to come by. I devoured Twix’s! 

By early may time, I’d grown from 10stn to just over 12stn (168 lbs). I sat on my bed one night and my best mate was in my room and he suddenly remarked: “Pete? You’ve got breasts!” I was dismissive saying that it was just muscle and started to prod them as I tensed them. To my amazement my fingers didn’t hit hard muscle, but pushed on through soft flesh. 

“…and Pete, your hanging over your belt?! Man, your fat!” He poked fun. 

I was stunned for a moment, but in side I realised I’d finally got what I wanted: fat. I wasn’t all that fat really, but I had always been skinny, so it was quiet a difference. 

On my graduation photos in summer of 1999, I was just over 12 stone.
Summer of 1999: I got back on my bike and I cycled. It was a nice summer and I didn’t have a car, so I just did it for fun and to travel around the country. By September 1999, and with training for a half marathon, I was back down to 9.5 stone! 

And there I stayed. 

About October I was out drinking with a uni mate of mine. He commented about how slim I’d got. I said, sure I’d lost weight, but it hurt when I sat down because my bum was so bony, and it wasn’t nice at all. That’s when he came up with an idea to help me gain some weight: eat LOTS of potatoes! 
“Full of carbs,” he said. “Fry em, mash em, bake em, add cheese, butter, beans, just eat tonnes of them!” He suggested I aimed for as near to 1kg as I could manage a day. “Really shock your metabolism!” 

So I did. 

I’d add butter until they were creamy (that’s lots btw :P), and have almost 2 bowls of mash and bowl of baked beans for dinner. This I would do at least 4-5 times a week. It was dead cheep too and because I was not at home, no one cared. Potatoes are healthy, rite ;)… 

That Christmas and New Year (the Millennium), I was musical director for a panto in Stafford. It was well paid and I ate and drank. I was only over the road from the theater, but didn’t gain much at all. 

With my payment, I got my first internet enabled computer: an iMac DV. 

So, from January 2000 onwards I was on the internet. 

"The internet must have loads of information about how to get fat!“ I thought….


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