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**πŸŒ™ trying out a new look πŸŒ™**
*hunting for ghosts can be spooooky* ⚰️ 
The only white ghostly thing i found was this old vape someone left at my house >.< 
Now atleast i can make ghosts by pretending to be a *cool vape* queen πŸ’¨-hehe- JUST KIDDING. I coughed like crazy every time, how do people even do this?!? πŸ€” 😯 you should see all the goofy coughing outtakes photos lmao πŸ˜…

**anyway** i got super light headed, which made me.. a bit silly ;> beahahah
πŸ‘» πŸŒ™ πŸ”¦



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