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I’m dealing with, what it is called, creativity block? I have dosens of ideas written down in my notebook and the other night when I couldn’t sleep I scoured the interwebz the find ✨things✨ to help turn some of these more elaborate ideas to life, but I’m struggling to execute. 

I think part of it is that I just haven’t had time these past few weeks and the other part is fear of not executing it to a level that I’m really happy with. 

Like my no makeup set from last week, I’ve been thinking of doing a series of Back to Basics to test if I really am learning to take good pictures without the need for props to create the ✨dramaaaa✨. Thoughts? 

I might still have to space out my photosets a bit while I get caught up while trying not to melt in this heat. Summer without AC really makes EVERYTHING so much slower. 

Also credit to my nice photographer friendo that doesn’t have social media that took this when we were playing around with my camera (with is totally superior because nothing beats Fuji colours). 

You’ll see more of his actual work when he gets done editing them, but he is a busy boi.



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