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So I just got in from what I call a 'scorpion sweep.'  I live in the desert and around here the most common pests are bark scorpions and black widow spiders.  I've never found a black widow in the house, thankfully, but we do occasionally get scorps inside.  Anyway, 2 or 3 times per week in the spring and summer, we go outside at night with a black light and find any scorpions around the yard and exterminate them.  First year at this house we'd find between 6-12 scorpions each time we'd do a sweep.  The second year we'd find around 6.  This is the third year at this house and we find 3-6 per sweep.  I'd say we're doing a good job at reducing the numbers. 
A bit of info for you: The bark scorpion is the most venomous scorpion found in North America.  They are light brown-beige-yellowish in coloration, and they are named bark scorpions as they like to nest in the bark of trees.  (most often found around here, palm trees)  They are small, the size of a quarter at their biggest, but usually much smaller.  They are basically impossible to spot without a black light, as they are masters at camouflage, but glow in the blacklight. They aren't vicious, and they wont chase you down to sting you, but if you accidentally get within their range, they might reflexively sting you.  I've never been stung, but from what I understand, it's like a bad bee sting, that you will survive unless you have an allergic reaction to the venom, or you are immunocompromised. It will suck, but human fatalities are extremely rare.  That being said: they are not allowed to live in/around my home, and will be exterminated on sight if they are found here. 
Anyway, enough of that.  These are some not-so-professional photos I took while playing with my kaleidoscope lamp one night.  They are not new pics, and they are not super high quality, but they are pretty nifty, so enjoy! 

For now, hope you had a lovely Mario Monday! I have a little video ready for my early risers tomorrow morning! (Of course, if you aren't an early riser, you'll see it when you wake up, too!)  Catch y'all tomorrow.  Have a wonderful sleep and pleasant dreams when you head that way!  I'm off to have a soak in the hot tub and then probably a movie afterwards.  

G'nite! 💋



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