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D&D was fun tonight! My players reached a new town in the world map and I got to introduce new players and they got enticed into new quests to solve in the new area.  All kinds of fun stuff.  Some real game progress and lots of silly inter-player jokes which makes my heart sing!  We've had one player that has played his character as really stand offish to the other players, which doesn't make sense, as they are 'family' to him, but he pulled off a couple of practical jokes on them today in the most wholesome wonderful way! It felt really good.  My group is vibing off each other and it makes me as a DM so happy!!  
For now, I'm off to be a potato.  I had a glass (or two!) of wine during our game today so I must drink all the water and come down from the game high!  I'll catch y'all tomorrow! Hope your Thor's Day was brilliant! xo 💋


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