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Hey y'all! I'm pleased to report that I'm feeling a ton better today.  That headache was super weird.  Came on so fast and hit so hard.  I guess it burned hot so that it could burn out more quickly?!  Whatever it was, I'm just glad it's gone.  Downgraded to a single aleve to manage it, so yay to that! I'm gonna drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.  Skipping exercise this 'morning' just to treat my body extra gently (and I'm still a little sore - in that normal post workout way- from yesterday's workout, so more reason to be extra gentle)
anyway, now I'm just rambling on about things that are probably boring 😅  Hope you're having a great Wednesday so far.  On my agenda is to get some prep work for tomorrow's D&D session, and maybe some more mini painting.  Just an all around low-pressure day! ❤️
oh - one more thing - I have an idea for future blacklight body paint streams, and I need to test my non-body paints under the blacklight because reasons. 👀 I don't want to get too hyped about this idea until I figure out if it's feasible yet, and while I'm not ready to film stuff quite yet, I'm still working on tons of ideas and planning behind the scenes! Hopefully I have a less-vague update for y'all on that soon, too! 🤞



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