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Happy Sunday and Happy Easter (to those who celebrate that) 

I ended up having an exceptionally rough night last night.  I even had to take anxiety medicine in order to sleep, which I haven't had to do in a LOOOOOOOONG time, so that alone feels pretty bad.  But it is what it is.  

I'm awake right now, but I'm actually going back to sleep.  My body needs it.  I'll catch up with you guys a little later.  Know that I'll be ok, and things, for the first time in also a long time, feel like they're going to be ok.  Sorry to vague post, but I'm really, really, really tired.  So naptime.  

Have a lovely day and I'll be back this evening, hopefully to explain a little bit of what happened. (without getting into too much personal detail, of course)  

Oh, One request - if you have pets, cats, dogs, lizards, fish, birbs, snakes, rabbits... whatever 'fur' babies you have, please send me a pic of them in DM.  (No, don't just grab a photo off the internet, I can search for those myself, and that's not what I'm after) but if you're comfortable sharing your pet pics with me, please do! I promise, it will absolutely make my day a MILLION times better when I wake up again!  

This is a picture of my friend's cat, Happy.  My friend lived with me for a short while and so did his cat. She is the sweetest kitty ever. So while she's not my cat, I did take this photo myself of her in the window of my bedroom.  She has little white paws that look like she's wearing socks, it's so cute! 

If you don't have pets, I understand, I currently don't have any either.  It's not a failing on your part.  I can't have pets where I am, so it is what it is.  It's why I'm asking for pets in DMs :)  

(Also, it should go without being said, but just in case someone is new here,  NO unsolicited dick pics, btw.  If you send one of those, I will request a $100 tip as  penance for doing so and you will be restricted here until you pay that, so just don't do it.)



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