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Hate to break it to Myself but I am not in a very happy place. 
I need way more happy, HAPPY, and way less stress.

FUCK OFF SPELL CORRECT! That's right I meant HAPPY and I Meant STRESS, Not STESSSSSSSSSSSSED. Yeah but thank you now I am. What the fuck, ugh. 

If you push hard enough darlin, you'll find it.
If you wait too long you'll forget about it, honey,
and find your peace in hell. 

Yeah, well, I had to find it.

Sure, chasing the carrot stick of dreams, seems so promising. 
that is until you see through the masquerade of eternal emptiness. 

What the Fuck, Where are we?
Your In Hell . . . your in hell . . . You're In Hell
And now you've got to pay the price!

Price? Wait a minute, there's a price here? There's a Price to Live In Hell? That's not Cool.

Nobody, said it would be cool in Hell! 
Nobody said it was going to be easy!
Where the fuck do you think you are?
This isn't No Government Freebee!
We have RULEs you must abide by,
and Lots, and lots of FEEs! 
You'll pay until the cows come home, 
and then another cycle begins! 
Over and over, and over again.
Until it just becomes your nature.
And those of you who try resist,
will do so at their own risk, hahahahaah.

But if you make a deal, it gets really clear way beyond the fogs of hell.
You'll be sent right back on a similar track to play a broken record in sandy winds.

Might try to put it into music sometime later, or finish it, though it could be that it is already complete. won't know til I know, hahaha, just damn happy to have that energy out of Me. I instantly feel better! That is what poetry is for Me, an outlet of immersing build-up of energy, good, bad, or indifferent, just needing a release to be freed. I feel it in My body and once it reaches My head I must keep the peace with a quick release of some sort. Either Poetry, gardening, playing with the cats, etc, etc, and so on. 

Having Pinkie, and the bass, has really made a difference for Me.
Would really be healthy for Me to have some drums too. 
Techniquely My first instrument. A horn would be ideal too, trumpet. 
Mixed with a Cello, maybe a violin. Oh I'd be rocking a nice way to create sounds I feel I hear in My head. Though I say this a bit hesitantly because most often something other comes out. Like I am a vehicle and simply experience the ride that I am being taken on. That's when I feel I play the best, anything else, by comparison, is a struggle. 

Ok now off to snap something sexy for you to enjoy. 
Conjegor a lot less hell and a Lot More Heaven, what do you say . . . 
Because even in Hell we can still Be Sexy ;-)


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