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Wooooooooey, It is certainly wintertime in Florida, OMG, I have a beanie over My head and a hoodie, as well as a half-sleeved top, a long-wide self-knitted shawl, My favorite zip-up "Whirlingeye, KILLS" hoodie, My big blue house robe, fingerless gloves, all on the top half of Me and down below I am sporting a pair of loose shorts, longjohns over them and joggers on top of those, a pair of socks and slippers inside while I wear the rubbers outside. Due to the kittens, I have the back door open a little for them with a heater in front of it to help cut to the coldness of the breezes coming in and it is breezy this morning too, Wooooooe I am telling you "I certainly was not made for such weather!" 

Well, that settles it, I have no choice, and for My better health, I must start living a rigorous lifestyle of the minimalist nomadic eccentric adventure! Try and wrap your head around that one, Ha hA HA ha.

I sure wasn't ready for the freeze, came a couple of days earlier than expected, and think the plants are a bit crippled because of it, but they are covered now so, fingers crossed, they will pull through.

Please do remember to bring your pets in if you too are going through a freeze in the weather, especially if they are not used to cold weather. In other words, Don't Freeze Your Pets, and make sure to honk your horns before starting your vehicles for the safety of those trying to find warmth. Thank you for giving them love!!!

I will be on tomorrow for fun if you are too, going to get some very needed rest tonight so I can rock all day tomorrow. Hope to see you tomorrow, till then I'd like you to enjoy these pics I snapped today while shooting customs. 

Big Holiday Hug and Kisses, a billion of them all for you . . . ;-*



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