***Thoughts?*** Still waiting on the firmness samples ordere.. (OnlyFans)
2023-11-04 00:18:11
***Thoughts?*** Still waiting on the firmness samples ordered from **Bad Dragon.** So coming back to sizes; I don't think I would ever want the whole Medium, Large or god forbid the Extra Large completely inside me... Yet internally I question just how fast the girth increases, as well as the visual of this toy is almost something you would like to be able to see during the act and not necessarily be completely *"hidden."* If the girth progresses about the same with the all the sizes and as you get larger in size, the further down so does the girth, I think the Medium or Large would make the most sense if we're simultaneously looking at it as a visual prop. *Thoughts?* https://onlyfans.com/784173346/anneamor