I just wanted to extend a sincere THANK YOU to everyone here.. (OnlyFans)
2020-06-04 13:54:40
I just wanted to extend a sincere THANK YOU to everyone here who has let me be this week. I wouldn’t have a platform to even speak on if it weren’t for all of you. THANK YOU to anyone who has donated, protested, or simply shopped at a black owned business. The world won’t change over night but there are always small things you can do like be more conscious of what (And who) you’re watching....request to see more Black girls from companies and STOP watching dog fart and ghetto gaggers. (we’ll give other companies some time but that is unacceptable) If you have a Twitter use your voice and speak up when you see Black men and women being treated as and titled as only their skin color. The companies are watching.. and listening to everything. Request BETTER. Consume BETTER. If you haven’t donated already go tip your favorite Black sex workers at LEAST but if you need more resources or places to donate to send me a DM and I’m more than happy to redirect you ❤️