Sorry I didnt realize YouTube killed it! Once upon a time I.. (OnlyFans)
2021-03-15 05:03:21
Sorry I didnt realize YouTube killed it! Once upon a time I used to be skinny and actually fit into this jacket and bra xD Today I came across my old grey skin-tight jacket and decided to try it on with an old tight bra! I should not have been surprised to find out that I could hardly zip it over my hips or avoid nip slips! Watch as I squeeze my melon titties and fat hips into small clothes. The way my boobs spill out the side of this bra gives me a good chuckle hehehe! There is NO WAY I could wear this out in public now because the girls want to just spill out in all directions! As for the jacket...well I have to FIGHT with the zipper to get it over my voluptuous body. Trying to zip it up without using force or without sucking in my ample belly proves futile. Only when I pull with all my might AND suck am I successful. This jacket also has buttons... do they hold? Only when I suck in and button up at least three are they able to hold in my belly. Next, as I unzip my jacket and my belly pushes it down it gets CAUGHT on the zipper D: My clothes are fighting back now! Will you kiss my booboo better? AGirlWhoLikesToEat