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Okay I’m a bit scared to post this but thought it might also be an interesting topic of conversation ~ some of you who have been here for a while know I’m insecure about my skin and do struggle a bit with acne. I wanted to show a comparison of what my unedited photos look like vs. how I used to edit them. So basically:

Photo 1 
No editing, you can see all the shadows on my face, my skin texture, and a little bit of acne under my makeup (this was also kind of a good skin day for me tbh, my acne can get worse than this). 

Photo 2
Light editing/how I typically edit my photos the past few years. Some skin smoothing, acne removal, and coloring adjustments to make the colors of my hair and makeup a bit bolder. 

Photo 3
How I edited my photos years ago. Extreme skin smoothing, brightening, and a beauty filter that makes my eyes slightly bigger and my jaw slightly smaller. 

Out of curiosity, which type of photo do you like better? When I was younger, I was very inspired by Japanese fashion magazines and tried to use editing tricks to look more like them. I was also trying to go for that “perfect skin cosplayer look” so I did a bit more editing to my photos to try to look more like those girls. Back then, I pretty much always took my photos with a beauty filter pre-applied through an app so that I didn’t even have to actually edit the photos manually. Nowadays, I try to minimize how much I edit my photos because I want them to be more natural, and I also want them to represent how I look in real life more accurately, and I no longer take pictures with an auto-beauty filter because I started to find those looked a bit too fake. However, I still think it’s fair for me to want to edit out small imperfections like acne and skin issues and such, especially because often times I’ve noticed that cameras can make those imperfections look more exaggerated/worse on camera than they actually appear in real life anyways. But what do you think?

I try to be as authentic as possible even with the editing I do, because I don’t want to look extremely different in real life compared to my photos, but I know some people believe editing is just a horrible thing to begin with. I think it’s only problematic when it’s so extreme that the person is unrecognizable without it, but that’s just my opinion. 

I have to admit I am extremely nervous to post this, because I rarely ever feel confident enough to post a completely unedited photo. It definitely helps that my acne was actually not too bad on this day, though 😅😅😅



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