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One thing I make sure and do is grab that screen shot of the profile page of the guys I can tell right away are gonna be great content. 
*but AP how do you know?* I just have loser-dar set on high alert 🚨 

The reason why you are gonna want to get that screen grab, is the bigger the twerp, yes better content, but they are also giant pussy ass bitches that are gonna wanna get that last insult in onna bitch and then *cock-block their damn selves. Then you can’t go back and scrub their page for hilarious information. So. ***always troll 😈 pages of suspected assholes FIRST and then proceed with the interaction*** 

There has never been a time where I got the screen grabs and then later was like “oh he turned out to be so charming. Boy did I misjudge that shitty book by the inside as well as the cover.” Nope. Never happened. Asshats show up on the scene in their asshats. They just see their mama’s baby in the mirror when they look so they can’t understand why we see what’s there🦨 

This 22yr old moron is going to be perpetually annoying to all women for the entirety of his pathetic life. 

1️⃣he thinks he can fuck 
2️⃣he thinks he is clever 

We don’t even need any more than that. 
I rest my case 👩🏻‍⚖️



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