Untitled (Fansly)
2024-07-13 16:31:00
Well, well, well, well. Let me tell you a little bit about my life? The last few months have felt very strange and emotionless, actually My job has become a chore - all I do is sexting every few days, taking the same type of photos with no idea and videos with no story I don't really understand why this is happening, I think I just got a little burned out and stopped doing what I want to do. When I'm doing the same thing all the time, I lose all inspiration and it's like "that's fine, they like it that way". But I don't like it haha I won't promise anything, but I'll just try to change something in my life ♡ #tattooed #babygirl #egirl #gamer #aboutme #life #blog #mylife #selfie #alt ♡