Untitled (Fansly)
2023-09-14 08:26:08
a lot of subs come into my dms asking me about services that aren't listed in my posts about what i offer and that's totally fine btw! this way i either introduce new services i didn't think of or we can do something despite it not being on the list. like even something as seemingly absurd as tipping for good morning/goodnight texts. this time i just wanted to mention this service which i'll probably add to the 'official list': for 90$ i'll send you pics daily for 30 days! it'll either be a tummy/thigh/hand or even an ass pic! will try it out with the sub who suggested it and might make it a little more expensive if i realize that 90$ isn't enough for a whole month of daily pics, we'll see! if you're interested already you can dm me about it!