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It’s Monday again! Yesterday I went on such a peaceful and restorative hike. I really want to find some good wildflowers, so I spent some time researching where to go. But that planning went out the window when I realized yesterday that I need a permit for the hike. 🤦‍♀️ And they were sold out! I’m not used to the permit requirements yet haha. 

So I tried a backup plan, and that didn’t work out either. I did find a cool bridge along this highway path though. I hadn’t seen anyone for 20 minutes and I could see for a distance in both directions. So I decided to strip down for some photos. Of course a minute later two bikers came by. 🤣 One of them said “now that’s something you don’t see every day!” 🙈 

After that I finally tried a third place, but the wildflowers seemed to be past their peak. However, it was soooo beautiful! It was very open and empty and it was so relaxing to watch the grass wave in the wind. There were also cows there to reduce the risk of fire. However, they were all ear tagged. 😢 So even though they seem content now, I don’t have high hopes for my sweet friends. 😭😭😭
I hiked part of the way nude because no one was around. And of course I snapped some pictures and videos for you. Then at sunset I hiked through the most intense wind of my life to get back to the car. It felt like it was ripping my eyelashes off and it might tear the clothes from my body. It was a crazy experience, but definitely an adventure for the books! What did you get up to this weekend? 

And finally, I’m really trying to shave a heart, but it’s so hard! Does it look like one? 💖



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