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~☆🌎🖤 a lil trippy 🖤🌎☆~

well... yesterday was quite the trip.
when my mom invited me to dinner and drinks with her friends i expected maybe 5 people? i didn't expect it to be 20 people. that in itself was just destroying my anxiety but i sat through it until my mom said that we were going. (she told me before, that a bunch of us girls were going to head to a diff bar that has a dance floor and music) when we got to the next place it was revealed to me that it was... COUNTRY night. fricken country night! the one time i leave my house and it's country night? im dressed for a metal show because i felt like it, and here we are surrounded by cowboy hats and blaring terrible country music. it was so loud my ears hurt. i kept having to go to the bathroom and then on my last visit i almost bumped into another girl who was dressed like me, but she was wearing a cowboy hat. she said "what? country emo not your thing?" we laughed and complimented each other's outfits. guess we were both dragged out on country night haha.

so anyways, as im getting back to our table my mom and her friend come over and tell me that we have to go buy alcohol across the street and can't come back in because of the bouncers. i didn't understand what was going on so i went with her because im not being left behind at this random bar. as we are leaving my mom says fuck you to the bouncer because he was being a dick and then he started hurling horrible insults at her calling her a skank. it was so awful..

once my mom and her friends bought their alcohol, i thought we were going home, but instead we went to her friends house to do karaoke. when we got there my mom peer pressured me into doing shrooms with everyone so it turned into an even crazier night from there. this was my second time on shrooms ever.

my mom's friend's son tried to kiss me! it was so weird, but i had a good time otherwise! once i was home i was honestly terrified and tripping out really badly but i was able to call someone and they helped comfort me to sleep.



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