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hoi, im Sarinna or Rinne for short!
ig i should talk a lil about myself..

ima shy frail bean stuck in bed all day due to my condition. i have something called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. i also have developmental delays and learning disabilities that sorta hold back my mental maturity. i spend most of my day if not working on content laying in bed resting my body and watching youtube. on weekends i used to go visit and help out with my family but they have moved now so i just take them for myself.

ive been through alot in my life, ive seen the worst in the world but i really try to still see the best in people. i try my best to greet every day and everyone with a smile. i try to be kind and help those in need when i can because i feel like if we all were a little nicer to eachother the world would be a better place. not to say im the perfect person, that im all wonderful and always giving but i can say i try my best to be a good person and i think that trying is what matters most. i want to spread love, light, and color to our world, radiate positivity so others can feel it too. i feel if i can share my struggles and my happy moments with you then maybe you can relate more to me and understand me more. understand that im more than just a cute face in a photograph.

i like to express myself in how i dress, so my style is fluid and personal. i dress how i want in my bedroom and out of my bedroom, in shoot and out of shoot. i try to have fun with my wardrobe and really create something that brings me joy to wear. i don't usually dress to impress anyone other than myself but if i impress someone then that's a bonus! actually in real life i get frowned upon alot because of my bright colors but i try not to let those people get me down. having you guys and your support really means alot, i feel so comfy and happy being able to share what i love with you. i hope to keep making content that you enjoy while still being myself in the process.

wellp anyhoozle das enough of me blabbering on. have good thoughts!



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