Untitled (Fansly)
2022-08-03 02:12:19
🌈🌟 your lil rockstar 💫 after all the trouble im already having, now paypal isn't working with me! ive been trying for 2 days to reach support but their chat bot is unresponsive and their customer support hung up after being on hold for an hour. i dmed them on twitter so hopefully they will get back to me at some point bit im sure they are busy so i doubt im getting help soon. i keep getting locked away from my money for reasons out of my control which is really hard on someone who is low income like me. i hope things resolve themselves quickly because there are people in my life who i wanna help and i can't when im empty handed. i finally get to meet the people at the pain clinic. ive been waiting for a while and finally i have an appointment tomorrow morning. im hoping we can discuss ways for me to exercise safely and maybe if there are any other medications i can try for my pain. fingers crossed they listen to what i have to say and don't judge me for being inactive due to my disability.. 🥺 thinking good thoughts and sending positive vibes! lots of love for you from me! ☺️💖