Untitled (Fansly)
2023-05-27 14:10:04
Would you like to meet such a mysterious girl? 🖤😎🔝🥃 But, unfortunately, it wasn't you who approached me, but some unknown girl (whose name I didn't even remember) and offered to make a video together (since she is presumably a blogger) yes.... with 3 subscribers (a very cool blogger) 🥲👌 On my attempts to find out from her about the video and the payment for my time, she ignored me, then quickly ended the meeting. When I got home, I realized that she had blocked me 😅😅😅👌👌👌 I didn't understand anything, thanks, bye 😂🙏🏻 I didn't understand anything, thanks, bye 🥲😅 #mylife #relax #babyface