Untitled (Fansly)
2023-03-07 16:49:13
Hello boys 💋 POST ABOUT MY GOAL 💫 Tomorrow is Women's Day in Russia, and if you'd like to do anything special for your naughty Lady Naya, please take a look at the photo I've put below 😊 This beautiful painting (was made around 1940 in Italy ) now in one of the Moscow gallery and I have almost full amount for buying this piece of Art 😊 almost 3 weeks ago I saw it and completely falling in love with colors, composition and idea of this painting… 💔 and began to save money for this goal …. So my lovely boys if you feel like you want and you can help me with that I'll be very happy and send you back sensual content at double the price of what you decide to send me 💋 Thank you all who will help to make come true one of my DREAMS 💫