Untitled (Fansly)
2022-09-06 03:29:43
loomy fact: i do not shave my coochie! i actually get waxed every month instead. 🫶🏻 I personally prefer this over shaving but the major con is that i get a lil hairy in between appointments. she still cute though! y'know, fansly has really helped me with my body image. i know i'm not fit or skinny nor am i overweight but i also know it's because i haven't been to the gym in awhile! i used to have bad body dysmorphia & was terribly insecure but this has been a big help & improvement for my self-esteem & some other things as well. ( ◜‿◝ ) back then i wouldn't have been able to post or even look at a photo or video showing any "rolls" or "fat" or any "imperfections" even though they're completely natural. so thanks for being part of my sexy self-love journey! inb4 trolls try to use my old insecurities against me 😂 #fyp #feet #toes #soles #pinkpussy #puffynipples #pinknipples #petite #booty #ass #asian #filipina #lewd #tease #stretching #flexible #pigtails