Untitled (Fansly)
2023-10-22 17:02:10
Hey all, I'm sure you're all wondering why I haven't been streaming as of late. 2 reasons why; so, I have sleep apnea, for folks that aren't aware it makes sleeping a nightmare. I basically can't breath on my own while sleeping, I've had this issue for years but lately it's gotten worse from stress and weight gain (also from stress). The headaches and morning wake ups are terrible and I'm in need of 2-3 naps a day just to feel rested enough. It's seriously destroyed my stamina and mood all together and has made things more difficult with living in general. It has also come to my attention that it's actually not that difficult for my family to hear me while I am streaming, which makes me 100% uncomfortable. I knew it wasn't good before, but I realize now even the smallest moans can be heard from them. I refuse to stream until my room has been completely sound proofed. I can't afford it atm, but I have the items that could help sound proof my room more on my throne as well as help me breath in my sleep. I know it's asking for a lot but I really miss streaming for you guys, it was seriously the highlight of my weeks in this house and things have not felt the same since I've stopped streaming for so long. I understand if you can't donate but if you're able to retweet/spread the word at all I would 100% appreciate it. I'll also do private call and remote sessions with folks that outright purchase these products for me as a reward along with a special video that I'll make for all followers if all 3 products are purchased. If you'd like to just donate to this post I'll send an exclusive ass photo to donators as a thank you! I really appreciate you all and the help, I miss you all so much. https://throne.com/mamablu_