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πŸ’œ-Health update-πŸ’œ (NON HORNY POST) 
As some of you know I suffer from Migraines. Usually these migraines last from 1-7 days. 7 obviously being on the worse end. 

Well I've been dealing with a migraine since the 13th of this month. I go through cycles throughout the day where it will start to feel better, then get worse. Sometimes the migraine will start on one side of my head, act like its going away, then I'll start to feel pain on the other side of my head. This is the case for me right now. 
Sleeping is the worst part. I can't lay down because it makes my pain worse & usually if I can fall asleep the pain will wake me up. It can be very exhausting. Mentally & physically. 

❀ So why am I sharing this? Well I've always tried to be very open about any health issues I'm going through. If that's physically pain or mental. I'm human & I think it's important to express my struggles. Things on the internet sometimes seem perfect. Because with most creators they don't talk about the hard things. I don't want to pretend everything is fine all the time or give you guys made up reasonings for missing streams/ changing plans etc. 
I know some of you may not care about these updates or personal things about me. I get just being here for the horny posts.. but this is for those that do care to know. 

I still plan on streaming tonight. As of right now, VR won't be possible. This could change though. 

I'm going to try to get some sleep. I will post an update this evening at some point. 
I wub you all. Have a great day cuties πŸ’—



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