Untitled (Fansly)
2021-11-02 14:43:00
- KINKY 01 - I am genuinely anxious about this new path that I am starting. For years I said that I would not go into this path but you guys have been asking for this for so long and I have reached a moment in my life where I am much more open to new ideas. This is the start of something truly new to me. . My Fansly page is going to be the main page for this type of content and it starts today. This is the full version of my first experience with a toy like this, it is EXCLUSIVELY HERE ON FANSLY, for now! . Regarding this particular toy, I guess I still have to do some more experiences with it. It is very different from what I am use to and so I have to better understand the right angles of it! Really want to know your feedback about it! Don't forget to click that like if you enjoy it!