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Safety warning for creators! 

I've always been a little dubious about using mirrors with dildos for filming.....😨
I got reminded why!
Yes it was dumb, it was working for squatting and I figured if I was careful of weight distribution I'd get away with it on a soft surface as I'd seen others do similar things.... 

Its not safe, I only got a small cut I found while washing the shards off, but please warn creators if you see them riding toys on mirrors, on any surface.

I only did it after seeing it work for others as I'd always been worried myself.
Yes my surface wasnt supportive enough on the sides, I hadn't planned on leaning on the sides, it was a lapse of judgement, I had told myself I wouldn't lean on the sides but got distracted while filming and it slipped completely from my mind as I started to let myself relax.

#i'madumbass #fyp #besafe

P.s Yes I'm smiling.... but I was geniunely trying to comprehend what had happened and stay calm....I didn't find it funny, I smile when nervous 😅


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