Untitled (Fansly)
2023-10-03 12:19:41
I'm working on getting this surprise drop to you this week, it just won't be dropping today. Looks like 'Sir' won out in the poll, so I'll be putting a spicy little narrative over the video for you that I'm hopefully gonna drop later this week. Currently working on: - Writing this narrative, recording / editing, putting over this video that needs to be finalized - Finishing up a massive collab audio to drop on Reddit next Wednesday - Working on deadline stuff for the Visual Novel I'm working on because that drops soon. - Getting everything finalized to shoot some Feral Red content on Friday to have something to post for you in a few weeks. Video footage needs to be shot and edited. - Probably several other things I'm forgetting at this point. I have so many lists and stickynotes that I'm going to be grateful for some breathing room later this month haha. Please bear with me as some of my deadlines might shift around but I promise all of the content scheduled for this month will drop this month. Take care of yourselves. Drink your water, coffee only counts for so much. All my love ❤️❤️❤️