Untitled (Fansly)
2022-09-11 07:00:55
Look up at the night sky 🌌 You should be able to see the most beautiful full moon of the year there 🌕 What do you think the full moon pattern looks like in your country? We can see the pattern of the moon looks like a bunny pounding mochi in Japan 🐇🎑 So I put on a ping bunny costume and pound my ass like mochi to enjoy the full moon ✨ Please eat my hot, white and chewy freshly made mochi 😋 昨日は十五夜でしたが大きな満月はご覧になることができましたか? 縁側で秋を感じながらススキとお月見団子を愛でたいものです♪ わたしはピンクのバニー衣装を着ながらお尻を使ってお餅つきをしながらお月見します💕 突きたての柔らかいあつあつお餅をきな粉につけて食べたいです(๑・﹃ ・๑) うさぎのしっぽってお月見団子みたいですよね~🍡